I've spent the last 2 evenings on it. And I'm concerned it'll end up like a PS chain... Great!!!! Up to 3-4 hp, then just not a big enough cutter to remove the junk... /-: But hey... Will be fun to find out...!!
Took a couple pics of cutters for different raker shapes ,notice this old school couple year old stihl chain has smaller rakers ,i have had a couple loggers try to talk me out of these old chains ,rslfk or something like that name ,may have letters mixed up ,then look at the oregon rakers ,much longer and bulkier ,i think the new stihl chain is shaped more like the oregon now also oregon chain stihl old style chain
That's the "Klassic" chassis. It's was still possible to get last time I tried (this spring) but I think they finally discontinued it.
@SquareFile just left my house. We spent the last few hours chit chatting and he brought his mint Mastermind 064 over and gave me a personal lesson in square filing I must say he is a first class guy all the way!! Was a pleasure talking with him and getting a lesson. Even got a couple files myself and he bought enough for anyone that wants to purchase one at the GTG at my place on the 4th.
Got the same ones coming from Baileys, should arrive today or tomorrow ........... then I can post some pics so y'all can make fun of my square filing
I hope someday SF heads over by the red roof place and brings his ported 346 out for me to try. Hint Hint. I could have a stocker on hand with 3/8 too. If ported one will pull 3/8
I switched over to 3/8" thanks to you I'm over there during the blaze orange army week I will bring it over
Give me heads up. Blaze orange here seems like a freaking war zone. I quit going to the woods behind me after all the trespassers I ran up on driving. Stupid azzes shoot at anything moving.
Got me. Maybe with the new cutter that seems taller wider? I'm clueless and never compared as I knew what racers used.