With all the Huskys in your signature line and a saw on that looks like a Stihl on the package Makes me think you are going to have tea instead.
Hey, that’s a nice meat grinder! I was a meat cutter for 8 years before I got on the FD. I can run the chit out of a grinder. I can squeeze the tightest coils you’ve ever seen. I can tell that the person running that grinder is right handed. I’m a lefty, myself. You a meat cutter too?
Im not a meat cutter I got a tour of a butcher shop while shopping/buying meat. The grinder I use is a hand crank chop rite. What’s the giveaway they are right handed?
Because the foot pedal to run it is on the left in the picture. So you’d make your coils with your right hand.
Alone on the highway heading to work at 4:50am. Took this at the little cemetery at the edge of my property
Ducks waiting for ice out; my buddy and part of his pike spear collection; my wife walking down one of our favorite beaches.