Hopefully it was more than 28 inches. Those carcass’s are tough to get rid of. I throw them in my buddy’s dumpster, that gets picked up once a month. It gets pretty ripe in July after a few days. He knows it’s me and laughs but his wife won’t talk to me and that’s ok with me too.
I've found mouse droppings, so they're around. But I have found all makes and models of spider. LOTS of them.
Found evidence of “critters” today, glad none were home! Removed a small piece of epdm rubber I had on my BL/CO stack because I freed up a larger piece and planned to swap. Surprised to see this; Cleaned out as much as I could and used my leaf blower to finish. Was a good bit in there.
Woke up this little guy while taking down a damaged apple tree for the neighbors. He flew off a few minutes later. Shouldn't have had trouble finding another home given all the old buildings and half broken trees in the area.
right into the stove with that one! I've left wood like that out thinking that birds would scarf up the goodies. Never saw that happen.
No, no, and no to all the snakes posted. I'm so glad we only have garter snakes here. I've found a few more of these than normal this year. So far only one has found me first.
I rather have a snake in the stacks then rodents. I'll relocate a snake and place it into the stacks. Had a nice 5'+ eastern black snake in my one BL stack. Nothing like puling up a top cover and there's one coiled up saying hello. Gets the hewrt pumping fast for a few seconds.
Plenty of good eats for snakes in the farwood stacks. Caught this guy catching some sun before retreating into a hickory stack. Looks like he at a rather large meal. I think a snake got ‘em.
I don’t mind bee stings. But I vehemently dislike stings from wasps and hornets. Those ones really hurt….