Whats up fellow woodcutters? This forum seems pretty cool. I like chopping wood and axes and stuff too. Thought I'd share a pic of my woodshed and woodyard. My wife and I had a wood stove installed this past spring, and I've been scavenging wood for the past couple years. We're enjoying a fire in it right now as I speak , 50F outside , will get down to low 30s later. Started it with wood thinned from our 3 acre woodlot- 8% moisture on some of these- the wind flow in our woodyard is stellar. Started tonight's fire with cherry and burning hickory now, both cut from our recently acquired homestead a couple years ago. Feels good. Going back into the 80s next week here in ga, but we'll get into the wood burning season soon enough. I'm just gonna keep on stacking wood whenever I can . It's a lifestyle after all right?
Welcome to the forum Hickory45 That wood should last a good while for you. Now perhaps you need to know about the 3 year plan?!
Thanks for the warm welcome. I've been enjoying looking at other member's work and setups on here. Looking forward to hanging around and learning from y'all's wealth of experience. Yes indeed, I need to get on the three years plan to always stay ahead. I work at a landfill that has a mulching operation and when we have an excess of mulch that means we get to "recycle" lots of big trees as firewood for our workshop stove and for whoever wants firewood to take home. I can really only cut wood on my own time though so I'll spend a lunch break once or twice a week using our hydraulic splitter. If I keep cutting a little here and there it all adds up and feels like I'm making progress. One of my co workers recently bought a portable sawmill- in fact I have several 26" white oak trunks (cut from our homestead to get more sunlight to our garden) that are staged at his mill right now. That should be a fun workday whenever I get the chance to go over there and cut them with him. It'll be sentimental having lumber cut from our own land too. Not sure what we want to build with it yet, but I should have something in mind so I'll know what sizes to cut when I get over there. I'm not much of a builder but I could probably make some simple woodsheds. My co workers like using rough cut white oak for their trailer beds. Any other ideas? What would y'all use white oak and red oak lumber for?
White oak is very rot resistant so an excellent outdoor lumber. Its hard so tough to nail through it unless you predrill. I can see it as some sort of board and batten type siding on a wood shed.
Welcome. White oak is fine anywhere. Red oak is not really that good for outdoor use. At least that is my experience.
It's good to meet more of you folks. Nice to know there are others out there who are as obsessed with wood as I am. Thanks for the tips and compliments. My wife was surprised how good the little shed looked, being nothin but scrap pallets and spray paint, cost $0. I get excited thinking about what I could do with some lumber. Yes the husky 572xp is brand new- a birthday gift to myself. It stopped oiling the second week I had it. Cleaned the bar grooves and oiler holes, still the chain was bone dry but it was leaking oil heavily from underneath the saw.. I just got it back over the weekend. The man said the oil line wasn't hooked up right from the factory.. weird.. it's oiling good now. Gonna put it to good use and break it in on some upcoming wood cutting at the landfill. We cut a road through several acres of mixed hardwoods that'll otherwise get trashed when the new expansion contract begins, if we don't grab them first. Lots of nice big cedars my buddy is taking to his mill. Lots of oaks in there as well and some hardwoods I've yet to identify, all should make good firewood. Spent last week cutting and skidding some of said logs out of the forest.
I've been expanding our backyard garden area and in the process got to remove a few sickly trees to make room for our deer fence. The cherry and hickory I cut up today, and a double trunked white oak (was about 10" diameter on the big trunk) i cut and stacked the other week. Not a bad "side score" whilst doing yardwork and having a nice brush burn.
What's up wood hoarders?! Haven't done a whole lot of wood cutting lately. I took down a large oak in the backyard a few weeks ago to make room for a garden expansion. Also had two large oaks taken down in the side yard to make space for a carport, so ill soon be laying into it thick with the 572. My 100% salvaged materials 9x12 woodshed is coming along. We've heated almost completely with wood this winter, meaning if the house is cold, we build a fire. Only past few weeks we started using the HVAC because it's been so warm- a fire would be overkill. So far only have gone thru about 2/3 of a cord! I guess it's because we work full-time, but still, we've been burning pretty much whenever we're home. Surprised how little wood we've gone thru. Thought I'd share a few pics of recent goings on in the woodyard. Because I know we love pics around here. I know I sure enjoy y'all's. Also harvested my first deer ever. I love this country living lifestyle.
You're making great progress. Looks great. Welcome to the club. Great to have another GA hoarder here. We're in the middle part, east of Macon. Where do you call home?
I like how you've got the stove in the middle of the room. Installing the chimney is more work that way, but I bet it throws heat in every direction. People often have their stove tucked into a corner which makes it more of a challenge to get the heat moved around the house.