The other day in the windsanity we had a pine come down and miss the house by inches. Split off the trunk about 30 feet up and came crashing down in the yard. Crushed the downspout. Bent up and ruined some trim up at the roof line. Peppered the siding up a bit. Couple branches punctured through the siding, insulation and ply. Could have been much, much worse. Feeling like we got lucky. Had a buddy over to help me cut up and clean up today. The wood all goes to the sugarhouse stack. Going to drop the standing trunk in the coming weeks. It’s about 60” DBH.
Scary stuff there. Yeah that wind was fierce. Typical of white pine with a snow load. Rather brittle and they snap easily under stress. Glad the damage was only superficial and the wood will go to good use.
Looks like you have a few more waiting for their turn! What’s their proximity to the house? Does this change your mind on them at all? At least you end up with some wood for the shack and some minimal repairs at the end of the day. This is no time of year for a gaping hole in your roof!
Thanks all. Yeah, what a day that was. If it has snapped lower down the trunk or uprooted itself, it would have been bad. There are three others that freak me out. For years I’ve been saying these trees will be a problem.
Yep, there are a few more that really scare me. They’re all within 30 yards and most are 100 feet tall would be my guess.