I'm there for you Brother! Besides, if I remember correctly, Someone eventually asked and the management had no problem with it! Could ask again but I would think that as long as we are keeping it in the family for GTG's, personal tools, giveaways etc. and not for personal gain things are OK. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Shirts are way out of my wheelhouse, but I know a guy who used this site to promote a rather large Facebook page years ago: Create with Spring, sell on social - Spring. For creators.
Do you remember back in the heyday of malls they all, at least the one around here, had T shirts plus? Buy a t shirt and an iron on and they did the ironing on. I still remember that smell.
I've told my wife that exact same thing before. Now she puts things in her calendar just to see how long it takes me.
I have ideas for some member driven t-shirts: “I’m more tired than the tailgate on BuZZsaw Brad’s pickup” “If I’m splittin’, I’m sittin’! Go vertical or go home! -Dennis” “Is Skier76 still talking about the wood he scored from his neighbors when their property was logged 20 year ago?”
LOL that's one of those memes most men can relate to. When it comes to certain tasks we're kind of wired for procrastination. Once the wife has had enough and we see a contractor's van pull up outside, we'll shoo him away and spring into action
I’d say Scotty is the only one with the proper answers. After putting the cap on my truck, I’d love a decal for the back.
That's all i was after too. At this point I'm over it. I figure attended GTGs is the only way to feel part of the club in the real world.