Call this my annual stop in to FHC to say hi to everyone. Really I’m just here to make sure BuZZsaw BRAD is still at it. Looks like he is. All is right with the world. Still at the hoarding here. Got a free truckload of ash and maple from a Lewis Tree picking crew that was on my road a few months ago. Looking to start chipping away at that soon. In the meantime, I’ve got my son helping me out with some stacking and hauling. He loves to help. Learn this boy proper! Hope everyone’s New Year is off to a good start.
Glad to see the next generation is coming up strong. Not a bad woodshed to show off in the background either
That makes me happy. He will understand the value of work and providing for himself. My son is usually the one bringing in wood. He fills the cart to overflowing and says "that should last a while" with a grin on his face. I just helped him bring in a load and he was telling me about his wood room and wood shed. He is planning his house and seems to have a lot of ideas for it. He is 17, and plans to use the mill to make the lumber for his house. They grow up so fast!
Didnt know i had a fan club! Nice to see to you here again Adam! Little one got big. Great to see you are still hoarding as well. Dont be a stranger and pop in more often.