If this saw gains any more power I’ll only be able to cut with it under MAF143 s supervision. The factory air filter kinda sucks, greasing it trying to keep garbage out of the intake. The HD high top is really restrictive from what I read, sooo oil foam filter and v stack it is. I’m sure I could do both but I’m far more likely with a poorly running damaged saw.
Stop on by up here and we'll do some cutting... I like the pix of the woods you cut in. It looks a lot like ours. I'm jealous of the Beech you've been hoarding, I have a lot here, but I've been busy cutting standing dead here and stuff for the neighbors lately in between keeping up with the Honey Do List... The neighbors that had their 100 acre wood timbered last summer and has given my other neighbor and myself dibs on cutting in there. Dozens of truckloads of White and Red Oaks with a few other prime species of tops can come out of there. The timber company got 550 trees of their choice, not one stump end I saw leave for the mill was under 4' diameter. I've "ported" my share of car doors over the years myself... I love Garth, he reminds me of "so many names fit here"... LOL One of those guys who shouldn't own tools, especially chainsaws...
Do they offer the European delivery program like BMW? That would make a nice trip, new saw in some Oaks of the Black Forest to break it in and some fine European cuisine. Hmmm, that sounds like a FHC GTG with drop off and delivery of ported saws... LOL Fun with saws AND great food...
4 degrees this morning. Put 2 tanks through her. The G on the end makes ALL the difference when cutting in these temperatures. Sent from my SM-S536DL using Tapatalk