A View attachment 404861 View attachment 404860 wasn’t my proudest day. That’s what happens in a heat dome. Had been stacked uncovered for 4 years. The east row leaned east and the other leaned west. I caught the west one in time. The temp was 45 c.
Happens to the best of us. Usually its either stacking too high or not leveling the base before i stack!
The heat dome was in 21. I stacked 4 rows in the fall of 17. It was so hot that the wax was running outta my ears.
I see it happen all the time when people stack wood facing the east. Stack shrinks faster on that side with soft wood. The first few rows on that side shrink and dry faster than the rest and causes it to dump. It can happen with green wood in a few weeks in my climate. I'd imaging it take much longer in the PNW. Hey, at least you have some firewood. Just sucks to have to restack it.
When we got married my wife said you look like a Greek god. Now I look like a dam Greek. Still got to admit that it was a rather hairy chested woodpile huh?
my hardwood shrinks, mostly on the west exposure. It shrinks faster than the east side. And the West side usually needs restacking or adjustment. To Brad's point, I sometimes stack on uneven ground, but the bummer is when the ground and or the pallets give way. Had that happen here about a year ago. I pulled almost all the wood off a 40' stack, and made it a half pallet wider. So far, it looks like it's not moving.