True story. My son who was about 10 at the time and I were helping a good friend cut and wrap a moose. When we got finished we went in for coffee and snacks. He said “ here try the pepperoni I got made “. I don’t like much hot spicy food. I asked him if it would give me a sore azz. Before he could reply my kid said “you’re supposed to put it in your mouth dad”. Gotta love them moments.
A woman with no arms or legs on the ceiling? Crystal A man with no arms or legs in the water Bob A man with no arms or legs on the wall Art A man with no arms or legs in a test tube Gene A man with no arms on legs on stage Mike This is pathetic
What can go up the chimney down, Down the chimney down, But can't go up the chimney up Or down the chimney up? An umbrella
Been slackin here I guess... -What’s Forrest Gump’s password? 1forrest1. -I used to run a dating service for chickens. But I was struggling to make hens meet. -If prisoners could take their own mug shots…They’d be called cellfies.
Why is Santa so good at martial arts? cuz he has a black belt. which is Santa’s cleanest raindeer? comet.
Did you hear of the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac who would lay awake all night pondering whether there really was a dog? Or the man who was so distraught over having dyslexia that he threw himself behind a bus?
Comet will make your teeth turn green Comet Tastes like gasoline Comet Will make you vomit so eat comet and vomit today