I didn't want to muddy up the deer hunting thread, but here goes. What's everyones thoughts on them? I feel like/know I'm in the minority with my thoughts on them. I think they're unethical and wish they'd be banned like a few states have done. If you want to know whats in the woods, go out in the woods. Rant over..
You're welcome to your own opinion. I get where you are coming from though. I bought 1 cell cam to ensure that our Jack wagon neighbors that we have to cross the edge of their land on the prescribed easement. It's more of a neighbor watcher at the cable gate to our landlocked 80 acres. Cellular means I can literally send pictures to the cops if they trespass. I mean I used it for hunting too, but only saw a couple deer one spike and a few does. Some coyotes , turkeys, and a momma bobcat and 2 babies. The bobcat pics and video was super cool. Didn't see the neighbors, which is good after the sheriff had to tell them to mind their own business in the off season. The other non cell trail cams were really cool though too.
I have a tacticam and I use it for security on my property. It doesn’t happen often but when somebody pulls up to my gate, their demeanor changes once they realize they are in camera. It’s like a ring camera for rednecks.
Exactly. I have a tactacam x gen 2.0 in a locked bear box up about 9 feet on a pine pole. I also have another locked non cell cam pointed in that direction, so if anyone tries anything, I'll get them on camera. For my situation, it can really only be one party, and they've been warned by the sheriff already.
I see the original intent of this thread was to discuss the use of game cameras for game. It can give an advantage but…. I’ve seen people chasing bucks that are never there when they act on info that the camera gave them. It truly cuts both ways. The usefulness of cameras is far more utilitarian to me as a security device. I’m not going to spend big money on multiple cams and subscriptions to watch animals. I hunt to save money on groceries and eat something that otherwise may be hit by my pickup.
Same here. I don't use them for hunting. Illegal here and it wouldn't help for hunting anyway. You have to actually walk and hunt. But for security, I like the tactacams. I plan on buying three more, just waiting on a sale.
Those that I know who use them pay a fair amount to look at the pictures in real time. I can see the security aspect of these as well, but most times they will only be a highlight reel of whatever happened and offer no real evidence to convict. The old addage that 'locks are only for honest men' comes to mind. Anyways we're doing it wrong. Instead of trying to create a society where people don't do bad things, we are looking to capture them doing bad things. If you told a guy in 1950 that you needed a camera to 'watch your garage' he'd laugh his head off at you and call you paranoid. We are backing ourselves into a very tight corner with these security devices. If I ever feel like I need 24 hour surveilance on all my things, I'm either going full Charles Bronson, or moving because I'm not living in a good place.
I have 2 spypoints. Just started running them this year and it's a game changer. Yep, I've hunted for over 30 years now without. I look at it as a way to optimize my time for other things that need done. I'm in the stand now because these cameras are showing me the pattern of a very nice buck. To each their own....
Don't get me wrong....I hunt for the meat first. I've taken care of procuring enough venison to last until the fall of next year already.
I put out some corn for the deer as well. My neighbor right before gun season put out a pile of corn that looked like he dumped 6 50lb bags of corn off right off the tailgate of his pickup. I can see his hillside back yard from 1/4 mile away. I couldn’t help but stop and scratch my head. It just seemed wasteful and poorly thought out. I didn’t hear any shots fired from his property all weekend either.