I got 5 of the 6 tons into the basement today. Did 3 solo had a hand with last 2, then ran out of steam.
That's a great stash!!! I wish we had some of the Super Premiums (or what "was" considered Super anyway).. Great pic!! Thanks.
Nope... Somersets are good, but they are not an Uncle Jeds, or a Hamers, or Turman, or Okie, or.... I could go on and on..
A good boxstore deal is hard to beat in any neck of the woods. IIRC Dex pays less at the boxstores for pellets than we do, I wonder what markup the pellet dealers would carry in his location?
Around here most are $230-$275 (American wood fiber, Greene Team, and Pro Pellets. The local store by me (who I have bought from the last 2 years/ only 9 miles away) is selling Somersets for $247 this year. They have always been $225 a ton, or $215 if you bought 3 or more. Now it's just $247. Menards has done the $175 sale several times over the last several years. But I have yet to call to see what they have and how much they are.
He can buy the Somersets sub 200. The Okies and Turmans are 300+. He's got the better deal hands down. The only exception is when the Blazers pop in once in a blue moon. Even then they are still 230-240. I would rather buy the Sets, especially when they are 175. Most of our box stores are not in the ball park of the Sets. They are a top of the line pellet and if they were sold on the dealers around here they would also be 300. It's nice to try different things but in would take his pellets over mine.
WOW. I'd be slammin' as many tons of Sets in my stash as possible and also comfortably get through any winter, leaving enough room for a couple tons of those Blazers if they showed up.
I'd be slammin in the sets at the current $239 price. Heck I'd much rather stuff AWF-PTL-TSC(Hamers or Lignetics) Than the stuff I piled in this year. Only pellet I had some excitement about was the stove chow!
Well, you could splurge like me and drop $300 on a ton of good stuff, "just in case". I ended up with LaCretes. I also have 29 Blazers that I bought at HD last year for $3.85/bag.
Menards is 45 miles away.. So in order to get any weight (besides 2 ton), I need them delivered. I will be shopping around shortly. I need to get back to Pig status. I used to be a 6-12 ton Hog. Now, I am not even a Piglet
If I had to, I would have(at least one ton anyway). Luckily I have been stingy on burning the Cubex and Hamers, So we have them to fall back on. Were prolly gonna kill the Cubex this season! Gonna try to sit on the Hamers until next if we can. I'd suffer through writing a big check once they are gone unless I score AWF-PTL or the better TSC rebagged brands again. I'd get all giddy if something like the sets so up.