That rotary phone was a wedding present 43yrs ago. Mrs MikeInMa's cousin worked for AT&T. When asked what we wanted for a wedding present, Mrs MikeInMa said the Mickey phone. It's plugged in and still works for incoming calls. It's too slow for outgoing. But, it does dial just fine.
Took the turkey hat off the Halloween decorations and put the reindeer antlers on the skull, and swapped the lights.
Took a ride this afternoon and cut down a tree for the outside back deck. Pics to follow once the lights are on it............promise!
Not too happy with the way the wood framed tree turned out so that one will probably "go away"........
99 lbs just laughed once she saw the wood frame Christmas tree with the clear lights. Mumbled something like "you're not serious?" The next day, she hauled it back down to the basement workshop!