Looks just like older dogwood that doesnt get that big that often. Ive heard of hawthorne but havent seen one in person around here that i know of. Does it have thorns?
Oh yeah. Big nasty ones. Almost like honey locust thorns but skinnier. That's the main reason I think it's hawthorn, combined with that fact that it was clearly planted as a hedgerow since an old fence passes directly through and around the trees. They are now in the understory of an Oak-Hickory forest which grew up around them. They seem to survive -- but just barely -- in fairly heavy shade. The metal on the old fence has mostly rusted away to nothing, but the Osage Orange fence posts are still half solid.
I’d gladly run any saw that’s been properly ported. Well, as long as it doesn’t make my hands tingle. I’m kinda partial to spring av.
Lol... Back when I had a Ford, I put a Chevy emblem on it......was the only way I could get it to run.....
Dropped a 12" white oak behind the garden. It was blocking a good hour of full summertime afternoon sunlight and poison ivy all but killed it anyway. The wood was still sound so I'm stacking it as firewood!