Welcome and great looking stacks! You've definitely got the hoarding fever, it don't go away, or at least that I know of yet. You are not alone, many of us know that exact feeling of seeing wood and it pulling on you to want to bring it home. It' kills me when I hear a chainsaw outside, my immediate thoughts are to get the truck and get after it. But I sometimes cannot! Have fun with it and enjoy, there is nothing more fun and satisfying for me than a cool crisp fall day out back messing with my wood stacks!
You don't. First of all, I still see grass, so you do not have "too much" if you are still mowing grass (at least in the back yard) and once you run out of grass, then you start selling the excess...first, cull out the shorts/odd/end/uglies (that what I do) and then if you still feel you have "too much", then sell off some of your 3-4-5 YO stuff for premium $, in about February, when all the "me too" sellers are out of their seasoned "dry" wood, and you might have the only wood in the state for sale that is actually under 20% MC! Not only does this help justify buying that new saw you wanted, but it is your "firewood gym" membership that is not only free, but pays you back!
If you feel you need to stop at some time, determine how many cords for your three year plan, hoard like a third more, then only scrounge like a years worth every year.
Just keep hoarding.. If you belong to a church or know any Veterans organizations; eventually you will get a call; miss x husband is deployed or miss Y husband had a stroke; You can give heat heart and hope to others..
I have had to limit my hoarding since the truck is without a bed right now and the parking area is full of wood. I have 2 trucker tarps covering two piles, and at least a dozen (maybe 20?) cord laying in the yard. Wy wife has put the brakes on my bringing wood home until I get more wood storage built, but my engine seems to power right through the brakes.
Thank you for all your support. So under careful consideration I will not be stopping anytime soon. But next question is not sure if I’m lucky or just not smart enough to know better, but it seems every score I find is large trees or just large stack of logs. Got a call and someone had ten small dump trailer loads worth of very large oak sitting in the woods for five years. So here is my three loads stacked in the driveway tell I spilt them down and to call in reinforcements to help and they took the rest. Wife is not the happiest but it’s going to be cold here so I will keep throwing wood in tell she opens the windows. Hahaha
Great job there sir. The FHC spirit is alive and well. Not a fan of big rounds and neither is my back, but they make lots of splits real fast. Ms. buZZsaw says if i bring home more wood she is going to leave me. Boy am i going to miss her!
I find a lot of huge stuff too. I end up "noodling" them down to manageable size. Most people don't have the saw big enough to take large tree's so that's where I swoop in for the kill. This one was 5 cords in one tree! Is it possible to stage your wood somewhere less intrusive than the driveway? That way wife won't think it looks bad or blocks access to anything. I stage mine next to my garage driveway.