Good day all, as I berry my self alive in the wood stack it occurred to me I have never posted anything but comments before. so this is my first post which I raise the question how do people stop hording? I be leave my wife thinks my cheese sild off my cracker. just little over a year and half I started and now am sitting on 11 cord. So I know I have enough for three years or so but every time I see wood I want to bring it home like a lost puppy, SO HOW DO I STOP THIS!!!!
Short answer, you don't stop. Long answer, you definitely never ever not in a month of Sundays ever stop! Haha, but seriously, I know the feeling. But as long as you keep your stacks and processing area neat and tidy and stay courteous to your loved ones by not letting your hobby take away from them, it doesn't much matter where your cheese is.
Outstanding first post MNWoodMan! I'd say you don't stop till you run out of reasonable room to stack it, then go a little higher! We're crazy, right!! When she see's the savings heating with wood vs gas/oil/etc, that should convince her your hoarding tendencies are justified.
When I find out I’ll let you know. Nothing wrong with being a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket. I reminded my wife this morning that the luxurious warmth she was enjoying required no electricity.
I don't see any problems here. But, if it'll make you feel better, I'm here for ya.....just load up the truck/trailer and bring it to the U.P.
I like your stacking method with the pallets on edge with old pallet boards securing them. Nice work.
Stopping isn't an option nor should it be. If you're outside working hard and being productive you're doing nothing wrong.
I don't have an answer for you, only the more hoard you have, the more you can be selective on what to bring home. I will say looks like you already have a nice footprint for a ginormous Holz Hausen, that I'm sure your wife will love.
You have 11 cord you say, let us all know when you have 22 and we'll discuss further. In the meantime give your bride a kiss and smile.
Great first post MNWoodMan - and great replies! As a Florida expat living in Wisconsin, I especially appreciated the cheese references. Anyways, there is no cure once bitten.
I told my wife the other day that I was going to have to shut the tree service off. She said No, keep going, then you won’t have to do any wood for a few years. I don’t think she understands the addiction. lol. I just went past the 4 year plan last weekend…probably going to have to think about selling some if I keep going much longer…it going to start rotting in the stacks before I get it burned. Oh well, such is life. Do what you enjoy!
Ive been asking myself the same question for years. Once i got over 25 cords i said the heck with it...the skys the limit. Great first post MNWoodMan Quite the stash you have there with some nice neat stacks. And if i havent already, welcome to the FHC!
Berry yourself alive ? (is that like jumping into a vat of jelly ?) Move to Las Vegas ? Replace hoarding with pining for the fjords ?
Nothing wrong with that, helps recoup the cost of gas and equipment and then more equipment and gas...
Thankfully, there isn't a program for farwood hoarding addiction... Nice way to hoarding that much in a short time. Looks great
Firewood = $$ in the bank. I don't think anyone has ever worried about "putting too much money in the do I stop?"