Since cordless saws (tools) was a topic here for a minute...seen this on a log splitter page tonight... it said "finally got one piece cut"...made me chuckle.
Here in Central Ontario chain oil is reg price about 20 to 30 bucks a gal (small gal) Peavy mart (TSC) has Harvest King on sale this week for $13.19 a gal, reg price is $21.99, and of coarse as usual they don't have any. So I looked on and there's are all 50 to over 70 bucks a gallon, and because I have a Business account I can save 1% if I buy 2 or more, what a joke!
$12.50 per gal at a landscape supply business. the tree guys I work with prefer the Stihl shaped oil jug over these shapes. They say that squarish jug is easier to pour.
I have a jug of this but have not used any yet. Canada Advanced Auto Parts. Advance Auto Parts - Down for Maintenance
I have had good luck with an old quart jug from gear oil that has the small spout on top , a quart is plenty of oil for a days cutting for me. My old body will run out of gas long before I run out of oil. Like this.
I had some bar & chain oil that came in one of these bottles many years ago. Got from a friend. Quaker State brand. I think it got smashed or something. Most of my bar oil spills these days are from overfills. ^^ those bottles also make GREAT fire tools if you pour a little diesel fuel in one.
100% chance of rain tomorrow and me driving to the RK in Martinsville Va. 2 more cases and I should be on the 10yr plan.