What’s better than Dead n’ Down oak? Dead n’ Down white oak bucked and stacked roadside for the taking. I spotted this and quickly pulled over. The neighbor across the road was outside weed whacking and immediately came over. “It’s yours if you want it!” Not that I need it, but I can’t turn my nose up at still-solid, dead white oak, even if I have to trim a few pieces.
Haha yeah I get it. If I was a seller I wouldn't want to clown around with oddball scraps like this either. But since I have a strange fetish for quercus alba and thoroughly enjoy burning it, I stopped.
There was a total and complete breakdown of impulse control tonight. Luckily having only 20 minutes to spare, quickly fading daylight, and only the little top handle saw with me, the dead oak mania was kept in check. This dead red oak has been looking at me smugly for a few years now, laying alongside an ATV trail about 25 yards into the woods. Covered in bittersweet vines, with the bark mostly gone, wood mostly solid, and the perfect size to split in half before seeing the stacks, logic lost out to the overwhelming urge to cut. This’ll make decent heat in a couple years
I don't even know where I'm gonna put this. I started stacking wood under my kid's treehouse because one side of my yard is completely full. Once the cold weather sets in I can start really burning in earnest which will free up some more space.
I see you had only an ax with you on the prior visit. Me thinks you have dead oak mania. Can only drive by it so many times until one succumbs. I know the feeling. A month or so before my 23-24 BL harvest starts.
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 15. Truth be told, I think that's a good number for me. With better organization I could fit a few more, but then I'd lose more yard than I want to. At 3-3.5 cords per year, I think 4+ years ahead is good enough.
I bucked another 7 rounds off last week’s dead red oak and stopped. The further I get down the trunk, the worse it gets. I have my eye on better stuff up the road, that’s up off the ground. The ash in the bed is from this morning.
More dead/barkless ash and I didn’t even have to fire up the saw. They look a little crusty but they’re surprisingly decent. 2 will be firewood and one is just good enough to get a couple small boards out of.