The wife wanted a ride back in on our property, up the hill and then down the hill which has taken a beating with all the hard rains we've had so trail work needs doing. Once we were back in we had three trees down across the trails, my first thought was firewood.........but all were rotten pine so they were cleared and we finished the ride. I didn't have the card in the camera so no pictures but on the way out, we grabbed a 3/4 load of maple which is stacked. We still have more in the area I grabbed it from but you could hear the thunder in the distance so I called it a day.
It seems like it has been forever since I worked on our firewood inventory so tomorrow I'll s/s the cherry that's bucked up. I still have some maple on the hill I c & s this spring so once the cherry is up, I'll grab that another day.
The rains finally stopped and the cold front is here, 48.9 this morning so I s & s that cherry that came down. Last fall I had stacked some maple rounds that needed to be split so I did that after I was done with the cherry. Picture 3844 are the cherry rounds, 3845 & 3487 are some cherry splits, 3846 is what the cherry went on, 3848 are the maple rounds I stacked last fall, 3849 are the maple splits, 3851 are the maple splits stacked and 3852 are the cherry splits stacked. Maybe tomorrow depending on the weather, I'll haul some maple splits off the hill and stack in the same area the cherry was stacked today. The maple coming off the hill will give us over a face cord of hardwood. It was nice working outside without any bugs bothering you, hopefully the cold front hangs around long enough that I can get more outside work done. I only have room for about six face cord of hardwood and then the hardwood stacking areas are full but this year I have three face cord of shoulder season wood in an area that usually holds hardwood.
Yeah the difference was night and day with the weather. You dont realize how sticky it was until it isnt. Some quality time making some quality firewood. Doing the FHC proud! The only thing firewood i did today was unload the beech i cut yesterday at storage.
Nothing wrong with working on some beech in some cooler weather. I have the trunk of a beech I'll f/s/s this fall, hopefully it's all good wood. The spaghetti sauce is almost done and I can taste the pasta and Delmonico already, supper tomorrow can't come quick enough.
Ive seen that happen on a few beech in my woods in recent years. Half punk/half green. Hopefully tomorrow's supper won't put you over the 200 "mark"?
With the raspberry danish with a few glasses of milk and ice cream tonight along with supper for lunch (chicken barbeque with a few rolls with a brownie with milk, put me down for 204.5. It will be back to eating wraps with lettuce during the week and staying away from DQ (Blizzard) and the ice cream stand in town. Until I really start working harder outside, the 198 mark is what I want. It would be nice if I could put up another six face cord of hardwood and another 10 of shoulder season wood.
You can do it i have faith in you. Deadline for this? Enough down wood on your lot? If you dont have enough will you fell some trees?
Usually mother nature gives me until the middle of December. Just from the downed hardwood that I saw and the standing beech if it's pretty much good, 2 or 3 face cord, once those are taken care of, I'll look for some damaged trees I can fell. The softwood is here on the house property and down so it's just c/s and piling it up in a certain area, once we burn four face cord of pine, I'll stack some new stuff, hopefully I can get six face up of softwood before any heavy snow falls.
You keep busy buZZsaw BRAD and you always get some high btu firewood, you must sniff that chit out. Once the cooler weather comes in and stays, work for me will pickup. Tonight I'm saying yes, it all depends on how the hernia is feeling or if I finally have it taken care of. The attached picture is a maple branch that came down last winter, I think that I only took one or two loads out, it was all the smaller rounds so the biggest part is still left.
The wife wants a fire in the outside fireplace this week so I cleaned the ashes from the wood stove and some fall burning out of it. After I finished the above job, I spent time on the tractor pulling some smaller rotten stumps, I can get the trail mower in those areas now. All the roots and the smaller stumps went to the hill in the back and one went back down under.
yooperdave , thanks for the cooler morning, 46.4. I brought two loads of Maple home off the ridge, I didn't get the picture of the second load stacked but with what we had already stacked, we have over a face cord with more on the ridge. The wife wanted the knoll cleaned up so I took some Cherry and Pine tops off it.
Sorry thewoodlands but some warmer temps are here now.......that means, they'll be heading your way shortly..... My advice to you is buy some ice cream!