We're pretty much all sand back here so after some heavy rains overnight, I hooked up the trail mower to the Rhino and did all the trails around the house along with most of the lawn, I finished up with the push mower in a few places and then called it a day.
18 pieces of red oak left! These are larger rounds and the splitter will have to reconfigure to the "dark side" to get these split..... Probably have to get another couple pallets again.
I filled the trail mower up with gas and did the trails and part of the lawn, our temp is 85, humidity is 61 and the dewpoint is 70 according to NOAA. It's time for my first session on the treadmill since I didn't do it this morning. 15 minutes and 19 seconds with 100 calories burned, I'm back to ZZ Top The Baddest or was it The Very Baddest for music.
I loaded and moved a cord of firewood yesterday. 99 let me know that where I had it was no place for when the visitors are here beginning Friday until mid-month. She's right, of course......again! YARN | Yeah, yeah, yeah. | My Cousin Vinny (1992) | Video clips by quotes | 7b5d8dbb | 紗 (getyarn.io)
Great on the trails but even though it saves time when doing the lawn, it isn't anything like a riding lawnmower or push mower would cut but that isn't why we bought it. Before we bought it we took two ticks off the dog walking the trails, since we bought it, none which is strange because our dog will still go in the ferns or areas that aren't cut for a trail.
Since we only received half an inch of rain yesterday, I mowed the trails with the trail mower and then grabbed the calorie burner (push mower) and did a few areas. I had my long sleeve base layer on under my t-shirt (because of the deer fly) so the pores opened up and a good sweat was had.
While having coffee this morning I heard a branch or tree come down, I thought it was on the hill in the back but it was a rotten cherry, it came down in the area I last worked which was west of the area I thought it came down.. I had planned on taking it down but was going to finish splitting the pine first, mother nature just made that area a safer place to work.
I had planned on bucking up the cherry that came down but changed my mind. Even though I had enough hardwood top covered for this year, I top covered more hardwood and then top covered 10 face cord of pine for a total of 12 for the shoulder season. We still have 3 more face of pine that I will top cover. We have between 20 to 24 face cord of hardwood top covered, before I top covered more today we had 14 face top covered. I kept waiting for a nice dry spell this summer but it never really happened, so lets hope for more sun for the rest of July and a drier August. I talked with a neighbor whose back isn't great so I'll be putting in their firewood soon.