The bugs, seasons and mother nature make it hard. I'm not sure how much I'll get done but it does feel nice working on the house lot.
I finished the face cord of pine that I started yesterday. I put the forks on the tractor for lifting and then brushed off what dirt I could then bucked up some rounds. 14 face cord of pine up with more logs in that area so I'll do more c/s/s for a total of 15. Picture 3788 is what pine I stacked yesterday and finished today. It took 1.5 loads in the trailer (1 pictured) to finish the stack.
"Saw" far, good. I ran the 310 today since the chain on it should be nearing the end. I might have two more times on the grinder before it's gone.
My top handle 201 had a log dropped on it as i wasnt looking where i was tossing. This was a year ago. buzz-saw fixed it up for me. All the others i use regularly are running okay.
Stacked up the final bit of what I had split and thrown in a pile this morning. Gonna have to pull the slitter out and split up some more now. Stained two decks and one ramp along with a bench on the dock today. I now have only one deck left to stain and that'll be it for the staining! Tomorrow will be in the low 70's.....maybe I can get some wood split!
Hit the splitting/stacking today as the day began in the low 50's. (If I could only train those mosquitos to carry wood!) I split for 3 hours and stacked for 1 1/2 hours. So far, just under 7 cord done; 5 left to split/stack. That red oak sure gets heavy! After that, I stained half of the covered deck. Tomorrow, move furniture to freshly stained side of deck and finish the staining for this year!!! So, a little staining and then some garden weeding and that'll be it for this week!
Those rounds have a date with the splitter next week........... I don't think I'll get all of them at once, but they'll all get split "ASP" (as Tony Beets would say!)
I was only going to cut enough for another face cord but decided that all of the logs will get bucked up so this area is log free. We have seven more logs left but before they get bucked up, I'll s/s another face cord, that will make 15 face of shoulder season wood.
The only thing on the list today was taking care of the flowers at the cemeteries, my last stop it started raining pretty hard so mother nature took care of the watering at my final stop.
It was trail mowing today, most are done but I have a few that will need a few stumps removed and some pine tops cleaned up along with the branches raked up and brought to the outside fireplace.
More trail mowing today even though the plan was for splitting and stacking more pine. I have just one more area that needs cleaning up before I mow a trail through that section but another face cord of pine will be split and stacked before that happens.
Three hours on the splitter today. About 30% while in the wrong position and 70 % while in the right position!!