Trying to cut a big oak branch by the sugar shack . I knew it was a bad idea..but it was all I had lol ! Once those pole saws are stuck...thats it ! But after 2 hours..amd throwing every idea I could think of at it...mission accomplished. Even managed to not damage the shack ! First I borrowed another saw attachment and started cutting a relief cut..praying I didn't stick that one too ! Used some ropes to take pressure off just enough to let the saw attachment off. Then pulled with the Kubota to keep it from falling on the building. I took the liberty of taking the power head and extension off minimize possible destruction . Also got the wife's 550xp a quick workout ! Still too new Now I've got some more firewood to cut for next season
A real hoarder would have put a ladder into a loader bucket and raised it up and used a 592 or 661 class saw for that branch… glad it all worked out.
I recently got my pole saw pinched while up on a ladder trimming. I had to use a grapple hook to move the limb enough to get it out. I get very lucky it didn't fall. You sure do have some awesome saws. Any ported yet?
I have been dreading the first time this will happen to me. Have not put the pole saw to work enough yet.
So took a look at the pole saw attachment finally. Gave it a good cleaning..and regreased the ends...after pulling out some jammed in wood chunks . But found why the chain was slacked. I broke the tension mounting tab. Plastic..go figure ! But I finally get a break. $6.00 for a genuin Echo side cover ! With shipping..about $14. I can deal with that lol !
Had the parts sitting on work bench for a week now. Finally got around to switching out the chain adjuster guts to the new cover. Completely cleaned..sharpened..test run. All good to go !