I'm still seeing rat sign. It appears to be wary of the snap traps. So, I put a piece of hardware cloth over the whole compost bin. I had taken the top off and saw a new hole burrowed into the compost. I used a pitchfork to turn the pile. No sign of any rat. It must have spent the night and went exploring earlier this morning. Hopefully, it'll be enough of a deterrent to have it go elswhere.
Looks like that should do the trick. Dont mess with Mike's compost. Only a couple sightings of ours in the past week. Every now and then raccoons get into the trash even though i have the top locked and bungeed shut. Persistent bastages they are. I finally screwed the lid on. PITA but they aint getting in there.
The battle ensues. A rat either defeated the hardware cloth or there's another way in. Regardless, it found a trap and SNAP! No pictures of any gore this time. Similar to above. I'll be needing to rotate the compost shortly. I'll be able to spot any holes in the side wall. I've only had the bins for over 35yrs +/-.
You must have that good flavored organic compost and the word got around! Keep killing them and the word wont be spread anymore. Looks like you're more persistant than they are.
As far as I know, it's a rat. All two of them! The 1st one was similar in size. I just walked outside, with my coffee of course, and it's gone from the rock. Time to set up my trail camera, should I catch a 3rd. ~edit~ no rat sign in the bin, this morning. Yesterday's bin additions were not disturbed.
There are always other options... I remember seeing grilled rat quite often with street vendors in places like Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines.
Used to get monkey and lizard on a stick often in the Philippines back when I there in 90-91. Never knowingly ate rat on a stick, but with the street vendors, who knows.
That looks more appetizing than the previous one…. Always called chicken on a stick… rat on a stick… never knew it was a actual thing…