We got one amish paste. Wife had seeds for ox heart tomatoes but we must have last track of those. Very meaty.
Looks like the lettuce and radishes weathered the frost ok (the rings in the dirt are from where I had put clear plastic cups over the top of the plants last night as a temporary 'greenhouse' against possible frost). Seems to have helped. Wholeheartedly agree. Store-bought veggies just aren't the same.
Pulled some radishes the other day, yeah I know they're just radishes, but still a good feeling growing something. They were crisp as can be. Peas are taking off and broccoli plants getting big. Planted some tomatoes and used milk jugs for cover. Hopefully they don't drown this weekend.
I'm a bit concerned about the rain this weekend as well, since one report said we could get over 3-1/2 inches. Luckily I only have one bed planted so far, and my snowmobile firewood sled is the perfect length to cover the six-foot stock tank. With winds expected over 50mph, I'll throw a couple straps around it. Isn't pretty, but it works, and you gotta use what you have.
Did my first outdoor planting this week. The raised mounds are red, Yukon gold, fingerling and sweet potatoes. Also a row and a half of mixed onion sets. In the valleys between the mounds I planted a couple lettuce varieties, cilantro, carrots and spinach. The idea is that the potatoes will shade the cooler weather leafy crops so they don’t bolt and go to seed. We’ll see how it works out. I’m a couple weeks behind this year but not too worried.
4 Tomatoes, 2 Jalapeños, 2 Mucho Nacho Jalapeños, 2 sweet bananas peppers. I’m a week earlier than normal, but probably a week late this year. Usually Mother’s Day is my normal put in time.
Waitn on warmer and drier weather to get these in the ground. Almost 1200 plants. Mostly green/red bell. 50 roma 50 round red and 200 cabbage.
The place I get from is top notch. They grow over a million vegetable transplants every year. I could probably grow them like that but they cost of heat wouldn't make them any cheaper.
A few of my tomato plants looking a little rough. Hopefully they'll recover. Pepper plants from seeds got too stringy, dont think they're going to work out.
In all the years I've lived close, I went there for the first time about a month ago (5 points). Pretty nice place and their prices are great. I've been past Millers many times but never stopped in.
Looking good The Wood Wolverine. My tom plants seem to be recovering. Though they look to be half the size of yours. I have a few more to pull from cold frame and transplant. Seeing some life from the bean seeds I planted last week. Potato in straw bales seem to be doing diddly squat so far.
Peppers, tomatoes and cabbage in the dirt Thursday afternoon. About 1,200 total. Drip lines laid yesterday.
Stopped in at that 5 Points place again. These 2 large tomato plants were $4.97ea. Bought some head lettuce, 6 pack of sweet potatoes (never grew them before), 2 water melon, and some random mild/hot peppers. The watermelon I grew from seed crapped out. Tilled up the unused area and started planting till I got too wet and decided to go in for a while. Nice mild showers here. No complaints, we can always use the rain.
My son bought some pepper plants today, ours we grew from seed, got stringy. We'll plant those tomorrow. Today I saw some of the cucumbers have come up. I'll plant more of them as well. farmer steve how long does it take you to put down that much drip line?