I know I'm not.. damm mosquitoes and deer flies.. I could survive without standing there doing nothing and sweating too. Did I mention mosquitoes, gnats, ticks and deer flies?!
Fire last few evenings and had one this morning. Rain or overcast being forecasted for the next 10 days or so with cooler temps. Might being burning until Memorial Day at this rate. And a couple weeks ago my big mouth declared my burn season done.
Here in Grey County still have the wood stove going at least once per day.Our temps this year have been cool to say the least still had snow flakes last week around here .I turned off my Heat Master 2 weeks ago since it only ran the heat cycle 3 hours per day.Turned on the propane furnace for a few days but thought Na back to my wood stove when needed which seems daily.Nothing like a warm house .
Weird weather pattern ending where I am. It’s like the Hoarders in Michigan are giving us the finger.
The Hardy H4 is still being fed once a day after a week or few days off here and there. I'm not sure I'll have enough wood to make through the summer at this rate.
This next season with be number 14! It’s an awesome stove! My only regret is not going for an enamel finish.
Forecast is still stinky for another seven days. Really windy today and the coldest 45 degrees I have felt in a while. furnaces rarely are coming one because the radiant heat from the pex is warming the crawl space. Split more wood today until the rain hit.
Snows still over knee deep here, what does shut down the OWB mean anyways? Approaching 25 cords for the season so far. Hopefully I can shut things down by June or July before winter kicks up by the end of August.
Shut down has occurred! What that means for me is I empty the ash, scrape as much buildup off the inside of the thing as I can, then I coat the firebox pan in motor oil, and put a cap on the chimney. Then I keep hoarding wood and crank up in October again!
buZZsaw it always puzzles me that guys like you list a very impressive line of tools and toys but never what your burning in .