Still burning most evenings/mornings (just lit the stove a few minutes ago). Had a good frost this morning.
Yup, still doing an average of 1 fire/day here...looks like next week too. I thought maybe I'd be taking some of the wood in the garage back out, but nope, gonna use the last of it tonight or tomorrow morning. I won't bring another rack in's time for the mower to be in that spot...I'll just haul what little is still needed in by hand to finish out the season.
I am still doing overnight burns with Lindenwood & Ponderosa, just heating the shack up a bit. No need for morning & evening fires. Upper 30’s - upper 40’s at night, daytime temps anywhere from upper 50’s - low 70’s.
Looks like what I can see I will be burning all week next week at least at night. I still have wood on the patio so burn on. Wife just said we still had flannel sheets on the bed last year in May.
40 at night isn't too bad, but followed by 50, and clouds all day....kinda gets chilly. I'm going through shorts and uglies. I bet we have a cord of shorts on hand. Absolutely no way we'll let the NG furnace run. Although I should test it.
Yeah, I got up at 5:00 this morning and started a fire in the furnace. It was 63 in the house. Supposed to be 66 here today. No sense in being cold when you don't have to be.
I shut it down , looks like I might regret it this upcoming week. Have to use the knob on the wall instead.
gag, ack, choke, blasphemy, sacrilege! OTOH, I should run our NG furnace again, to make sure it still runs. Hasn't run since September of last year for a quick test. Either way, stay warm!
Yeah I think I pulled the plug a little early. I burned a lot but saved a boatload of frog-skins going to the oil man so really can't complain. Might have to plan for a little longer season next year. No matter what it was still worth the work involved.
Had a nice fire after dinner in VT last night. Ironically, it was warmer outside than it was in the lower level where the stove is located.
I brought the leftover wood down too early, and didn't leave enough up here. We're running out to the shed for shorts and uglies now. But, the rack next to the stove lasts a few days or a week. (normally that much wood only gets us 24 hours in cold season).
With highs in 50's, lows in upper 40's and rainy, have evening fires here in the insert with doors open for ambiance and chase dampness and chill off. Looks like that pattern will continue for a while.