Got the rare pleasure of cutting some pine today. Cutting on a tree line that has died over the last few years. I believe these were Blue Spruce. All in our area are looking dead or almost dead. A real shame. I forgot how many limbs these things have. No fear..the grapple and 562xp are here !! Makes a hard job..into a fast ...efficient job. May cut some for campfire wood . the burn pile .
Some sort of caterpillars kill all the spruce here. They build little conical cocoons out of the needles. Lost a 15 year old yard tree that I planted to them.
I have one saw I use on pine. I hate the nasty red powder the bark puts all in the nooks n crannies and the pitch. None of "my presciouses" touch the pine.
Great idea. I thought the same thing. I have no lesser saw though !!! This stuff luckily...isn't bad at all .
I just cut up a blue spruce at was doing fine, but was uprooted in one of the recent wind storms...I was surprised at the small root ball that it seemed to have for such a big tree (maybe 18-20" at the bottom, and 40' tall) Bag worms I was told...but different than the bag worms that seem to build nests in all the cherry tree's (and birch) in the summer...these move in n kill the evergreens...they make cocoons that look lil lil pine cones...I lost some arborvitae before I even realized anything was going on (its often too late by the time you realize they are there)
I've cut up one blue spruce that was 70 years old. Planted in the open in a front yard. Branches all the way to the ground, easy cutting but it was horrible to split. It was like trying to split rubber. I used to watch that tree sway in storms so I shouldn't have been surprised at how rubbery the trunk was I guess. I burned what I split and it was better than eastern white pine, but not by a lot. Was NOT worth all the effort put into it.
Sticky stuff that pine and spruce. How was the sap factor? Those hidden pitch pockets can be rather messy. Nice that you had help too.