Surprise! Had -3 this morning. Mother nature does have a sense of humor! 37/71 and I think that's it for firing up today.
Stayed below freezing all day and the brisk north wind was brutal house is warm my brother was trying to teach my nieces table saw and chop saw operation.. I taught then stand next to stove and warm up.. I was given your best uncle hugs.. that’s a win
Burning season isn’t done here just yet. Woke up to a dusting of snow this morning and it barely hit 40 today. 36 now, forecasted to drop to the mid 20s. Burning apple and ash this evening.
Maybe I will get it right one year. I burned through most of my dry maple and ash, waiting on colder days to use oak, black locust and black birch. For the past few weeks I am into that good stuff. Have alot of days into the 60's, but now nights are back into low 20's. Just winging it with a mix now. I think I am over thinking and planning. Screw it, I will just mix it as it goes into the bin. I will still probably separate longer drying stuff out in the racks.
Fire was out for almost a week while we got away for some R&R. Fired it up last night before bed and beech again this morning. 40 outside now, headed to 57, so I doubt the gas furnace will stand a chance! 72 inside and my own bed made for a good nights sleep
30/68 Not in any hurry to build a fire in the furnace. Got some more snow overnight. A little less than 3"
I had 36 this morning, headed to 60 so I let last nights fire go out. High of 75 predicted tomorrow, then down to a high of 54 sunday. Fer frick sake mother nature, make up you mind!
19 here n0w, it must have been much colder overnight. Burning what is left in the woodbox, gotta do a refill on that today.
Rain... Looks like a big snow forecast for the UP has fizzled a bit. Supposed to hit 60 today!!! Forecast yesterday said we would see 70 next week but that has been cancelled.
Got home from work and looked for coals. tossed a stick of hickory on the coals and walked away. It’s raining which I don’t recall being forecast, so I checked the low temp and were already at the low of 60. I won’t be checking on the Hickory stick.
23/69 at the moment. Winds began last evening and have only increased in strength. Something uncomforting about seeing trees swaying back and forth.