*TAPS* You were the banner that many asked of us if we were real. The insignia of our brother and sisterhood. Slightly Askew on that window but worn by few. Watched over the many loads I brought home, split and burned or gave away. You beautiful decal, I salute you. I hit this window hard on accident before with wood. Nothing happened. One log of black locust lightly taps it...game over. At least the honor is intact, took quite awhile to get the replacement but I'm grateful it went well. Any chance this Swag Shoppe gonna open soon? Gonna need another badge here....
I felt kinda bummed but then again I only hope it churns out the push for more cool stuff from this site. Been wearing the hoodies still. Most people who asked me were people at gas stations. "Is that a real thing" "yep" " what do you guys do?" "Find or cut down all kinds of wood and come here to talk about it" "here in Washington???!" "Worldwide believe it or not". "I'll be dammed"
Indeed. I actually ordered stuff and that decal probably less than 6 months after I joined the woods, hung around for a bit until I had a nice sunny day and a great display area. Might have to ask for a beefier one this time. That new window looks naked.
That sux. I agree we need the store open again. I need a couple of FHC stickers. I get a lot of comments when I wear my FHC shirt.
I have access to a vinyl printer. Could probly make some decals up. I have thought about it but don’t want to step on toes.
I'm sorry guys and gals, I'm working on it. Making the items isn't the issue, it's selling them. I gotta setup an LLC. I did just put in an order for decals and we should have then soon. And I'm working on new Tshirt designs.....once I get the LLC in place we will open up a store with all kinds of stuff. Bear with me.
Scotty Overkill Appreciate all you do for this site. Would love to see the swag shop open again, and will definitely purchase some stuff. I was intending to before the shop became inactive.
I appreciate it. It's a group effort. Lots of great folks here that keep the place alive and kicking. I promise I'll have something in the works soon.
Thanks to you and the team here that keep this ship afloat. Honored to be a member here. Everyone's hard work is much appreciated!