They’d disappear chasing the rabbits around this place. mad it is, the pekitzu’s climb into the woodpile where the rabbits have taken up residency.
Found this and think I’ll use it for temporary or at least try it… make the bucking table the log table to feed the splitter
SOUNDS LIKE THE PERFECT NEIGHBOR! I'd day dream about all the cool old iron. Walk around with a beer and poke at it.
He is a nice enough guy, just very strange...and he owns lots of big boy toys that I can usually borrow, so that helps ease the pain of looking at junk on the horizon everyday. And as far as cool old iron, he does own some pretty rare pieces too...just doesn't do anything with them, and I think time has taken its toll...too bad
Could be worse and like my neighbor. Well 2 neighbors. One "collects" iron all right, it's junk. And 100,001 beer cans. Garage full of things with copper wire in it, that he's going to scrap someday. Other parks crap vehicles in the woods among other junk. Township does nothing. But if you build a shed one foot larger than a permit allows, they'll call in Seal Team 6 on you.
Thats a good one and my laugh for the day. Scrapper myself, but more on the discreet side. I dont drive around collecting it. From jobs mostly. Behind the shed out of sight. Ferrous i cash in right away. 100,001 beer cans $5000.05 here. Nickel each refund.
Maybe he's loading up to do a road trip. I have no problem with scrapping. I do a very tiny bit myself once in a while. My issue is he never gets rid of any he has around his house and it's out in the open. His truck will be full and it's all new stuff. Just tosses into the pile on side yard. He did move stuff that was on my property line, just to the other sidec of his house. Summer I can't see much of anything. I need to plant more conifers!
He's in for a big disappointment if he tries to redeem them here. I get the occasional reject from out of state when cashing them in.
Many years ago they did. Now we have machines that you put them in one at a time and a laser scans the barcode. The machine will reject it if out of state or doesnt accept that brand. Years back you'd have to take them back to the store where you bought them if it was that store's brand. There's redemption centers now where one can take them and most places take any of them regardless of brand. Any store that sells them has to take them back. We get charged the .05c when purchased. Any carbonated beverage (alcoholic inc.) and water bottles.
About 20 years ago I offered my junky neighbor that I would buy and plant white pine trees all along the edge of a field to block my view of his junk (I didn't tell him that...but he probably knew that was why) He declined the offer mumbling something about tree roots getting into his field tile (fair enough, but what about the volunteer trees that you are leaving grow up everywhere?!) Fast forward about 15 years, he scores a bunch of potted pines at an auction and he and his kids plant them right down through the area that I was going to do...they are just now getting big enough to stick up past the weeds much,...still not big enough to be a proper screen yet...and there are gaps where some trees died, and he didn't go back to replant those.
Thought about it...but at this point, I've been looking at it so long I don't even "see" the junk anymore...I keep hoping that it's at least keeping the county from jacking my property taxes more than they already have...but that it probably just crazy talk too