There was an old dead standing oak that blew over last Friday. It took down wires. The utility crew cut it and pushed it to the side. Some was moved my side of the street. I'm standing on my property. I didn't get any pics of the wood as it layed there, but got it cut to sizes I could deal with. Our property to the right. And all unloaded for further processing in my temporary storage area. Sap wood all flaking away. Heart wood is solid.
It might be ready for this year, but I have enough for this year. It'll sit under cover for a year, at least. The pieces on the other side of the street are staying there for the owner. I told him if he needed any help with it, just let me know. They have a huge fieldstone fireplace. Mrs MikeinMa grew up in that house. The pieces are covered with poison ivy vines. I'm OK not needing to deal with it. There's also 2 large dead ash trees on the property. A tree service will be by any day to take them down. Unsure what is to come of the wood. I know I'll be listening for running saws.
Nope. Our utilities come off the state hwy, not that side street. Several properties did lose power for several hours. The wires were cut, but left in place. You can see the wire on an angle across the state rd. The person is am ambulance driver directing traffic after leaving the ambulance to block the low end of the wires. The ambulance is visible just over the garage roof.
Part of me feels bad seeing all these trees down, but part of me is like a kid on Christmas morning seeing trees so conveniently fallen where I can get to them. We got hit hard by that storm up north a ways.: I was eyeing up a big red maple that was hung up on a red oak, happily the storm dropped them both and maybe another tree. This same area got hit hard by a wind event four years ago and still has some oaks to be salvaged Dominos! This 20" sugar maple fell, knocked over another sugar maple, and that one hit another tree, and that shattered a large hemlock. This major cluster should be fun to disassemble to make the road passable again.
You made out better than me. All I got was a Pine. The maple syrup guy down the road will be happy. I must have a years worth of pine logs hanging around waiting to bring to him. I’ll wait till spring as he is already inundated with wood this winter.
I'm glad you got after it Mike. Nice take. These quick scores don't amount to a big score, but a few of them at a time keep the stacks growing. Looks good!!
Nice and convenient score! All I ended up with was a large leader on a red oak at the edge of my yard that snapped off some 40' up. It's a widow maker but it's going to stay there until another storm brings it down. Not worth the hassle. Might take the snowmobile across the way and look for some downed trees later this week. Amazingly enough, we didn't lose power during the storm. Seems everywhere around us did, and my sister was without power for almost two days (mid part of the state).