Ever wonder what a complete idiot does on the weekends? Well this complete idiot uses a pickax to break through the frozen tundra in order to dig out and repair the septic flush out that he bumped with the snowblower. When the septic pump ran, water was shooting out of the broken pipe like a geyser… Thankfully, this complete idiot has all of the supplies and know how to repair his imbecile maneuvers. Having all the fittings handy to fix this on a Sunday isn’t going to help my hoarding tendencies… On the plus side, won’t forget to mark the septic clean out pipe with a reflective marker stick again. Thought for sure I’d remember where it was once snow covered… Well, proof is in the septic pudding…
That sux. I remember digging thru 3' of layered ice and snow to pull the well pump in the middle of Janyary. That was not fun, an I can imagine digging thru frozen dirt is even less so. Experience is the best teacher, and I'll bet you never forget wherre that pipe is, and you will also remember that despite "knowing", that reflecters are you friend during winter.
Sounds like before the fix, it was a real $hit show. It's not clear to me, what that pipe setup is for. We have our own septic system. Being gravity fed, no need for a pump.
gaberelli I feel for ya! Don't be so hard on yourself for creating that situation; it won't happen again. Where I used to live (city sewer) the line outside would plug up a couple times a year and then back up through the floor drains. YUK! I was out there a number of times digging through the snow to get to the clean out riser to the line. The riser itself was around 10' in length before it hit the branch of the sewer. It did help out the township workers once they got there. Finally, during a sewer line improvement project, they ran a completely new line in a different direction with no one else on that branch. Never had problems again!
I still remember taking off several days for my 50th birthday and ended up having to dig up my septic leach lines distribution box in January.
We watched this again over the weekend...so stinkin funny! I don't generally like to watch movies that I've seen before, unless its been so long that I don't remember them much...but NLCV I can watch every year and laugh the whole way through every time!
If it keeps snowing you may need some longer markers . Sorry that happened, but we’ve all had the “need to do this” and then it didn’t get done until a disaster. Glad you got it repaired!
If PVC breaks down in sunlight over time, I wonder if it might be a good idea to paint or cover that pipe at some point. If it was brittle from sun exposure, it would have taken a lot less to bust it off than expected.
Well, in the interest of transparency….I have hit the pvc on top of our well housing not once, but TWICE over the years Both times I was in my pickup and parked where I couldn’t see it over the hood, was in a hurry and “CRUNCH”. Now that’s a real boneheaded maneuver
Probably one of the many different Title V systems out there. Sometimes the plastic pipe is just inspection, sometimes it's inspection and cleanout. If he has a pump he most likely has plumbing fixtures indoors below the solids tank level. Somewhat common with raised ranch and plumbing in the basement. Some of these new systems that have the absorption field above ground must have some interesting plumbing.
They must be pumping the chit uphill. Slopped lot I guess where the leach field is higher than the house. It maybe because they all have basements it needs to pump up? I don't know seems like a leach field and tank would be pretty dang deep as cold as my brother who lives up there says it gets. My septic tank here in SC has about 3" of dirt over the cap that you remove to be looking into the thing. Up there I'm sure it would be frozen solid at that depth.
My older system, has 2 concrete lids, under a couple inches of bark mulch. We schedule to be pumped out annually, mid-November. We've never had to open up the system in freezing temps.