As I've heard buZZsaw BRAD say he would pass on this white oak. I on the other hand will grab all I can. It's a big one and not everyone wants to tackle these. That's ok with me. It was a FB add, someone felled it for the homeowner and there it laid. It appears their bar was a bit short but got it done none the less. I started bucking up the limb wood today and will work on it as time permits.
Yes!!! That's an awesome score. White oak burns hot and long. This will pay you back with interest in a few years. No stick left behind. Love the smell when splitting too. Kinda vanilla whisky barrel-ish. I'm green w/ envy!
WOW! That is a biggun! You tractor will make it easier. Lots of work but lots of wood. Nice grab there! Big wood scares the average hoarder, but we're not the average hoarders here, are we?
Those big rounds sure gona make a lot of splits! The tractor will come in handy moving all that weight!
Sweet. That probably would have been a riot watching him fell that tree. Stump looks to be chewed rather than cut.
It also looks like they weren’t afraid to get into the hinge/holding wood. That one could have taken off sideways. It is hard to tell, without seeing what it had for natural lean. I am always analyzing stumps. They can tell you a lot about the cutter, but most of all, they are something to learn from.
…or barber chaired. I’d say he got lucky. Real lucky. A weaker wood than oak could have done that easy looking at his “notch”. There must have been all sorts of tensions in that trunk. Definitely needed a longer bar.
Yep, feller got lucky. Love white oak, split some yesterday. Say, GrJfer what kind of tape measure is that, unfamiliar with it.
I love the smell of white oak. Instantly makes me think of whiskey. I had a 75' on my driveway cut down by my tree buddy piecemeal. 32" at a time. Too close to my neighbor's house and too dangerous to fell in one swoop. Bucket truck. The lads cut it, bucked it, and stacked 'em nice right where I store me wood. They took all the limbs and branches. Doesn't get much easier than that. That said, I am jealous of the tractor and the trailer. Will have to see how long it takes to dry. My guess is at least 2 years...... This was the tree .....