I suspect the fall deliveries will be record setting.This is the time to get the wood if you need to.How's your wood supply ?
Far below where I'd like it to be. I'm at around 4-5 cords of logs, 1.5-2 cords bucked and around 3 cords split and stacked. Bear in mind that I burn NONE of it. Everything is for sale.
You caught me off guard with that one.How do you heat your home ? Do you sell cords or smaller amounts ?
I know I'm not the typical person on the forum. When I built my home 20 years ago we went with natural gas. Cutting and splitting wood had never entered my mind. Fast forward to almost 2 years ago when I started watching some videos on YouTube, signed up for Chip Drop to get wood and chips, and opened a small roadside stand selling firewood bundles in front of my house as a side hustle. Currently I work with 3 tree services and do a little cutting on my own. I sell small stacks and bundles, smoking wood and kindling from my roadside stand. I have a few customers that talked me into selling face cords. I deliver to them but I don't advertise any bulk amounts or delivery. I don't have the inventory to do that on a regular basis. Bear in mind that I work a 40 hour desk job so this keeps me as busy as I want to be.
same here. I cut about 15-20 cord a year and don’t burn any of it except maybe an outdoor firepit with the scraps. I sold ten cords just in October this year, and shooting for about 25 this season, just depends on weather. Too dry here in California, don’t want to start a wildfire.
With oil and natural gas so high, I've gotten more questions about wood prices than ever. I don't even sell wood, I just have my supply that a landscaper drops off at my place as log lengths. I cut / split and stack- but I've never sold. It's just me doing the processing so my time & efforts just wouldn't work out for trying to get any money back. Plus I drive a sedan so I don't have any way to deliver. All that being said- I keep getting offers to buy wood from me, and there's just no way. I'm hearing sellers out here have a waiting list, and half cords are going for $200. Full cords over $300. (These prices are delivered.)
i have 2 ponds with loads of cut wood in them im clearing the ponds out,so to get ducks on them.and no one wants to come and get it,so it can stay there,its free as well.
We too have had a few inquiries. I have no intent to sell, this is how we heat our home. Selling wood would have to overcome: the current price of oil the electric I'd spend running the fool gas unit in the basement the time I and others have put in helping me bring this wood home (@$20/hr) (cutting, splitting, loading, unloading, stacking & covering. then loading and driving and unloading at someone's house) fuel and tool costs So far, No one's been willing to pay $200-300/half cord delivered. Pick up same price. I'm good with that.
It's how I heat our place too, but I have to make room. I have 65 full cords and even though I sold ~6 cord a couple years ago the "new wood" is once again on the "coat tails" of my old wood. Think of my wood piles as a big circle, where the freshly split stuff is approaching my dry stuff to complete the full circle. I process more than a burn every year. I'm selling my 6+ year old seasoned for $120/face cord delivered within a 15 mile radius or so. I am willing to part with ~15 cord. Our LP is also only $2/gal.
Man....if I had room for 65 cord, I'd probably pick away at filling that space. I reckon I do have the room here, but there wouldnt be any space for anything else. I wouldnt need to mow a lawn. The neighbors would hate us even more. That would be about 10 years supply for us.....I'd probably leave that for the wife in case I go belly-up.
Sirchopsalot I will offer you same as I did buZZsaw BRAD I got room to store all wood you need my neighbors don’t care Flat ish. easy access to equipment.. a camper with electric and heat; so you can come visit your You won’t be disturbed by anything except maybe dog’s barking.. Just trying to enable you hoarders
WOW! I went up to $160 for a half. Free delivery within five miles. $2.50 mile after that. Maybe ill move out there! Sell a trunk full of wood? I was selling 200 splits for $99 over the Summer to get rid of older inventory.
If $1,000-$1,200 a day in the Fall and Winter sounds reasonable, move to Nashville. Of course New Englanders might not understand the language down here. Not much BL down here either, just a lot of oak and hickory.
Tempting. Wife knows if we visit a place like that, I'll never come back. I make for a poor city slicker. Can take a guy outta the woods....