Pew pew . Not sure why it looks like Casper the friendly ghost is holding it. My hand ain't that white .
. fox9988 i picked this one up for my daughter to start shooting handguns. She enjoys the .22 rifle so I figured it's time. Although after popping off a few dozen rnds I might find myself plinking with this quite a bit.
got this a5 a local estate auction. Was on one of the National online auction sites, but saved some money not dealing with shipping. It is a 25th anniversary edition. They made that edition with and without the gold inlay. Most on my investment gun buys are antique, but this is kind of unique.
Seeing this reminds me of a Ruger Single Six I have. It is one of 32 guns engraved from Bill Ruger himself from when we built his 1932 Stutz Bearcat at my previous job. I met Bill myself and spoke with him quite often during the project build. Still in the original bag inside the box and never been used. I will try to remember to grab a picture.
Last trip out at 10 yards. forgot my magic marker is why the sticks in the holes to get the red dots sighted in.
I just pick this up Saturday. GSG 1911 in .22lr. $320. Read/watched good reviews online. Haven't fired it yet, but it feels and aims just like my Range Officer .45. I also picked up a 325 round box of ammo, since I only had about 1500 of .22lr left. Only comes with one 10 round mag, but I ordered two more online.
Cool little .38 special derringer my dad gave me. I don't really carry at all. Except when I am going out to my property at night by myself. But I was thinking about letting this thing live in my truck 24/7. I am of the school of thought that something is better than nothing in a real OH $h!T scenario. I would get proficient shooting it and fully understand it's limitations first. WHAT SAYS YE? Is a 2 shot .38 special derringer Better than nothing. OR worse than nothing?
Those were hugely popular way back when, or so I hear. Some people would say that's a backup to a backup gun, but I wouldn't hesitate to carry it on occasion. Like you said, it's better than nothing. Funny I was on Gunbroker last night and I almost pulled the trigger on a Bond Arms Derringer similar to that, chambered in 45 Colt/410. I already have a couple Derringers though, so it's hard for me to justify another novelty firearm.