4910 is $370, just looked at one today and it was 369.99 at farm and fleet. So porting will probably put it around or a little over the husky, but still.
I don't think there is anything to disagree on... Try different zip codes on Husky's site and see? You'll find, is hasn't gone up 200 bucks in my region and it hasn't in others either...
And the same place that that 4910 was $370, the 545 MK2 ( apparently they don't sell a 550 there) is 639 w/ 20"b&c I guess the point is, that nearly everything has gone up in price. Especially since 2 years ago. You might be able to find deals if the stock was bought pre stupid prices.
The msrp of a 572 has which is what he said in the first place! And I guarantee the msrp of a 550 has gone up more than 75 in the last year. Like I said agree to disagree with ya bud. You can get a good deal on a 550 Good For You
Figure $300 + shipping both ways (typically 25-35ea), So that could double the price of buy in and then some.
Tell me what exactly the increase on a 572 has to do with this thread? And no, the MSRP of a 550 has not gone up much. It was $619.99 in June of 2021. It's currently $679.99. So it's gone up how much? I guess your guarantee is a bust...
Oh ffs it was given as a known recent example of how the price of saws has gone up. msrp on a 550 was 549 here last summer. Like I said a regional thing The reason I know that is because my dealer said he couldn’t touch the old msrp unless it was a volume deal.
Yes, so lets talk about recent truck price increases because those also apply to this thread. Sure, makes perfect sense... And if MSRP was $550 on a 550 last summer in your region, then what are they now? $200 more? I do find it fascinating that no cached search of Husky's page for the 550 finds it at a different MSRP two summers ago. Internet must be broken.
Really the price of a 572 which is a chainsaw not a pickup has no bearing on the discussion of the price of a 550 which is also a chainsaw? As a known point of reference? So we’re not allowed to talk about chainsaws in a chainsaw thread? Okay copy that… Apparently you didn’t follow the link to the official husqvarna website with the msrp for my region @679? About 120-130ish more than last year and by reference a 572 is up around 200. The point is most chainsaws are up over last year. If your going to be passive aggressive and obtuse I’m just not going to talk to you. Have a good work week
My reference to the 572 was just that… A reference. It was only to state the quite astronomical price increase of Huskies and Stihls in the last year. And I mentioned that I’m sure the 550 followed suit. A $750 saw increasing $200 in price is 27%. That same increase on a $460 550 would be $584. So maybe not quite 27% on the 550. And as I stated earlier, I haven’t checked on the price 0f a 550 in about 6 months.
I have the 261 CM, its a ripper, seems to get stronger the more I use it, price I know is relevant but you get what you pay for they say…
The reason I said the 572 has no bearing is because it's not what the OP is shopping for. Prices have gone up on everything. Every saw, every piece of OPE, every cut of meat, every type of fuel, etc. None of that helps the OP decided which saw to buy. Now, my original point about pricing that you seem to be conflating with inflation overall was that you can get a bigger % discount on a Husky than a Stihl since there is more margin between invoice and MSRP on Husky. However that didn't sway me when making my purchase. Hopefully it is a great week but no work for me... My cutting/processing is done for the year and I'm on to the burning portion of the season...
Makita 5001 and I'll fight any mfer here about it. Price, performance, parts availability, sexual orientation, etc...
Totally agree you get what you pay for. Price seems to be more relevant to some than others. Here’s my 261 along with my 501p making me money today