Okay but your map is no where near accurate; as top of Maine is same value as West Virginia simple weather chart will show those latitudes get an hour difference of sunlight
I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but it's not my map. I just did a search and found it online. Different places get more sun based on cloud cover and inclimate weather, not just latitude.
Perfectly fair statement and my wording was wrong. That map looks to me looks like sales propaganda; yes cloud and fog can reduce amount of sunlight in any region but that’s a percentage reduction so it helps to have a larger base in sun available.
My mistake, I had not considered that aspect of it. All I know for sure is that my system cost 11k and it produces almost double what I calculated it would. The roi on solar for me is 6 years. Assuming energy prices won't climb, which they will.
Something is not adding up here. I typed in their calculator for your area using average bill at $90 per month (you said it was under $100) and the price came back to $7295 - $9043. With a payback of 5-6 years. Link. Did you not enter the numbers correctly?
I'll try a fourth time, but yeah......I'm sure one the numbers. I even tried with accepting the rebate and without the rebate....with usage over 100 per month and also at 90 per month. I must be on the installed price page?
I can say this, Aroostook county Maine and anywhere in Indiana is nowhere near the same. I’m from the county and have been to Indiana in January. Right now we are pushing 11 hours of daylight. Lots of days are cloudy from now to April.
My apologies, perhaps there has been some navigation to an incorrect site. Here is a link. If you would pm me your zip code and average monthly electric bill, I could get you a more accurate price. (I just guessed your zip code) I can guarantee you it would be less than 30k.
I don't understand what message you are trying to convey, we are averaging the same amount of sunlight, and lots of days are cloudy from now until April also. Again I did not create the map.
Well this is way under for my area. For the 5.31 kw they say 11k-15k. Actual quotes for a 5.6 kw system last April were 20K (I compared the before rebates costs).
I like the two tone color scheme and bay windows Bogieb. My wife has a gift. She was able to turn our bay window change out into a much more involved $3,000 window seat project. This was me doing the work, 3k just for material , including framing lumber, siding, roofing, windows, and interior trim. Shingled the roof at the same time. Was not part of the 3k. I have to admit though, almost every single person who comes to our house says how much they love it and would love one at there house.
Here is what is showing up for me. I have entered a few different zip codes into the calculator and the price difference is very significant. That must be the reason. With the batteries for storage/backup, the cost is easily doubled.
That is wicked nice! I replaced plate glass windows with bay windows. I need space for plants more than I need another place to sit my azz down
That is really strange. I entered 49878 (middle of the U.P.) and 49918 (northern tip of the U.P.). Both came back very similar, 7-9k, with a 5-6 year payback. Also yes batteries will double the cost, that's why most people don't opt for them. I'm curious though, what zip code was the highest?
Make sure that you do!! I think it would be great for you to eliminate your electric bill. Especially with a 5 year payback. Perhaps you could get shipping to the next zip code over and pick it up?
Well, not a bad idea, seein how the LTLs only come out to Yoops neck of the woods about once a month...right yooperdave ?!
Here is what I did that got the cost so high. I chose the system with grid tie and energy storage. Then, I chose the package without the tax rebate. That's whats going on. Without those, price is still in the 14K to 18K range.
That's good news!! I was certain it wasn't 30k. Plus you'll receive almost a 28% percent rebate. $3920-$5040. Bringing the total down to 10,080-12,960. Much cheaper than 30k.