I got lucky, my wife had never hunted before I met her now she has a few deer, 5 or 6 bears and 2 caribou under her belt. I didn’t know how she was going to like the caribou hunt, we were 320 miles from any civilization but she loved it. LOL
Been there and done that. Our well is across the creek. Line comes out at the bottom of the hill, goes across the creek and back in the ground towards house. It use to be completely exposed. I insulated it and wrapped it when we moved in. Worked for 3 years. Last year line froze
Believe me, they still consider them exactly that. If you ask me they are setting woodburners up to be the next in line to get restricted. The next thing we will be hearing is how much wood smoke is wrecking the environment and the powers-that-be will be severely restricting or even banning it. I've seen this coming for years.
Where I occasionally cut, at the village drop yard, there was nearly a fist fight over some tree lawn trees that had been dumped there in 2008-09 heating season. The cops were called and one person was banned from cutting there. We shall see what happens as people start filling their tanks with $5.00/gallon heating oil.
My local drop yard/ green waste site hasn't had but one good firewood log in 4 weeks. I got a nice 8 ft by 24" dead ash. Several pine trees and really rotten logs last couple of weeks. In the past I would skid out the good firewood logs and stockpile up a trailer load. If I skid any now someone will haul them off the next day. I have to skid, cut, and haul the same afternoon now. I think most of the good wood isn't even making it to the site. People are starting to get a bit panicked now that we have had one night hit the 30sF. I'm cutting wood for 3-4 years from now.
I watched the leftovers from an earlier ash score, get schnarfed up on a day we weren't there, roadkill scrounge. I'm glad they got it, but I was a little surprised by the bit of competition. I haven't checked FBMP for offers for free wood since June. Oil is sitting at $5.25/G 200G min. as of 0530 today. Last time we purchased owl it was $2.17/G. A 200 G fill was $475. now that same 200G is over a grand. I hope it doesn't get too nuts, and I hope more people start hoarding for next year.
Wasn't long ago the cost of a pickup load of firewood delivered was $40-$60. Just checked CL and it's more like $80-$100 now.
I've seen the seasonal adds start showing up selling a pickup load for $50. Funny thing, most truck beds aren't 8ft anymore. It's all green and thrown in. I've also noticed most of the sawmills are not selling scrap and butt ends. In years past, any size truck was $30 and trailers were $50. Not a bad price for a 6x12 dump trailer of oak. Guys would make a bit of folding money hauling wood to people without trailers. I've not seen any of those adds this year.
I look at the CL ads in my area, been seeing $65-$85 a face cord if you pick it up, some places are a little more (they all say 2 year seasoned hardwood, but I am skeptical). Most add that delivery is available, but no indication of price by the mile or anything.
There is a guy selling oak and hickory in Nashville CL for $275-280 a face cord. Amazing! Wonder how much he is selling at those prices?
Stopped at my bargain diesel station ($4.74 a gallon!) on the way home from three Nashville deliveries today and noticed a 1/2 ton truck with sideboards over-loaded with two face cords of white oak. Asked him what he charged for a rick/facecord. He said proudly "$200 a rick delivered and stacked." Told him he was leaving money on the table and needed to raise his prices. He gave me a stupid look and went on to his delivery. Just trying to help a fellow firewooder out probably with little impact.
shack I had an interlock kit installed on the side of my house. The kit was a couple hundred bucks. I traded the retired electrician down the road a cord of dry, split Douglas Fir to install it. Took him less than an hour. I bought a 9000 watt duel fuel Champion generator from Costco for about 700 bucks. Anytime we lose power I just roll the generator out of the garage, plug it in and start it up. I’ve used that setup several times since I had it installed 5 years ago. It will power my whole house (reasonably), including my well pump. I obviously don’t run the furnace in an outage, because of my stoves. But I can and sometimes do run the pellet stove, along with most everything else. I keep enough gas and propane on hand to run it for several days if needed. I also have a rain/snow cover for the generator so it can run in a snow storm. I’d love to have one of those big whole home Generac systems, but I paid a fraction of the price for my setup - and it works great.
I have the same generator. I always run it on propane. I used to have about 8 twenty pound grill tanks. I'm down to 4 but need to top them all off soon. I try to keep 20 gallons of gas on hand too. For backup to my backup. I ran my generator for an hour when I first got it. 30 minutes with no load then 30 minutes with changing moderate loads. Changed the oil out with a full synthetic. Now I run it one or twice a year for 30minutes to make sure it starts and runs. Your post reminds me I need to do that soon.
I talked with some local oak loggers this week and found out what's going on with the mills not selling any scraps. Royal Oak charcoal is buying all of it for lump charcoal. Truck loads of off grade logs and tops that used to be left behind or sold as firewood log loads are selling for about $100 a cord. That's for 12 ft long delimbed timber. Not much more work involved to get a couple $800 loads out a day. That sets the base price before cutting, splitting, and hauling at $100 per cord. Split a cord an hour that's probably $50. How long to buck up a cord from logs? How much to load and haul? There seems to be a flux of people that like to work for free this time of year.
I was thinking more "cobbled together steel welded by people with little experience welding with there low duty welder" I'd use a barrel stove before that but still wouldn't use one. I haven't seen anyone use a barrel stove in the house, not saying it isn't done I wouldn't want one in the house either! Anyway, I'll see ya later, I'm gonna list my old wood stoves on marketplace UK to see what I can get (buyer pays shipping) Sent from my LE2127 using Tapatalk
Throw this into the mix... By mid winter we'll be longing for the good old days of October 2022. A Diesel Shortage Is Spreading Across The U.S. | OilPrice.com