If you leave an ash log around for a year….in the shade off of the ground…..it mills up so nice. They will be tables in the future.
Yes sawing is addictive I have been real busy with my new mill also sawing ash barn siding 1x12 and 1x8 will post some pictures soon JB
I have a big ash cookie with lots of character. I thought it might make a nice table top but have never seen ash furniture. I might just have to give it a go!
Why not? Whats the worst thing that can happen?? Then it becomes firewood. You won't know until you try. I have a bunch of rough-cut ash myself. Not sure what I will do with it at this point but it will become something.
Can't argue with that logic. I've never made furniture so there could be a bit of a learning curve. I like a good challenge!
Well that makes two of us. I am learning as I go along. Working on a project now and when it is done I will start on a rustic kitchen table ; should be interesting. Take a shot at it ; why not? I'm sure people here could help you if needed. I did see a thread here on a jig for a router to flatten out rough cookies.
Not too bad for a guy over 50! Enjoying the cooler weather. Great firewooding weather for sure. Thanks for asking. We have a few dead ash logs buried in the log pile. I dont think they would look like yours though as they were dead already. Ive seen that color effect in splits. Very cool.
I have started a small ash table. It will have 6 boards running long ways and breadboard ends. This is just the start gluing up the top
This ash I am using came from the same stuff that is currently in the pile. This was some of the stuff I pulled from Guilford. I need to take a trip back up there to see what is left.