I was kinda thinking the same. If the BF doesn’t have the equipment or knowledge to buck it up, what’s the likelihood he owns the equipment to split it?
Isnt much different what i usually go through roadside for scrounges. Only difference is this isnt BL!
Retirement aged ill assume as the guy ive dealt with is about the same. Itd be a sure bet the bigger stuff gets left to rot. Im wondering the same but my job is to cut it up.
More than likely Brad, as Chevyman noted the bottom branches will be a PIA without moving things. Maybe, just a thought, offer a price where you’ll cut up most of it within reason and return after the boyfriend removes the cut wood. That way the ex isn’t paying for work that may never need to be done and you arent bustin your butt more than need be. Maybe have two quotes in mind next time you speak. The ex should appreciate that.
I wouldnt take it anyhow. I REALLY dont want to carry rounds out of there. The way the guy sounded on the phone was to "do the best i can" and let them worry about it. Judging by all the trash/junk (including the ten speed bike) nobody would care if it stayed there.
As buzz-saw said.....run away! Things like that I quote like I don't want it, but sometimes I still get stuck doing it. I'd say $1400 with reductions if the brush ect. is cleared away.
Wasn’t suggesting you take any. Merely offer to do a lessor job as the chances the boyfriend will ever process it are slim anyway. No sense busting your chops making sure everything is 100% cut if it’s just going to rot anyway. Now as for the bicycle. That can be considered company transportation.
LOL!!! Made a scrap run yesterday and thats what i saw it as! I would be interested to see how anyone gets the wood out of there.
I think you'll be there for a couple of days cleaning up that mess and cutting it down to size. What's two days of your labor worth?
It doesn't look like fun to me, lol. It might take longer than you think, that is nasty. If that were around here, I would not be able to bid at all because those vines would be poison oak. I dealt with a 40 inch red oak blowdown yesterday and I had my helper remove all of the poison oak vines before I would cut on it. EDIT: Why don't they just leave it lay to rot?
I don’t do this for a living but if I did I’d run the numbers based on Jim Bears’s chart and charge at least $65/hr excluding operational costs. Especially considering inflation and the rising costs of, well, everything. How long would that take ya if you were taking your time and being very methodical?
Time will tell, but this reminds me of customers who want tree work and just want the tree out on the ground (no haul). It doesn’t matter to me either way, but some of those jobs, you drive by a couple months later and the grass is growing up through it where you left it. People have the best of intentions, but whether it’s just having the time or that they underestimated the amount of work to untangle the mess, there it lays! I gotta see what happens here