Who’s test firings your stove? This is how my season usually starts getting the dampness out of the house.
I hear ya . For LaCretes which are hard to find around here it’s $400 for a 60 count pallet and 65 for delivery , so I usually start with 3 pallets which comes out to $ 7 a bag.
Nope, still waiting on my delivery. Ordered in May was told things are arriving slowly. I try to hold out until Halloween with the heat......
Picked up a skid of Matras today, will get my skid of Lacretes next week at some point. Will have just north of 4 tons squirrled away by October. More than usuall, but prepared for whatever mother nature and energy markets have in plan.
Cold old damp house yes I have begun to burn in the evenings , just grabbed a ton of MWP rebagged TSC pellets for $40 more than a month ago as I use them in both my searing grill and smoker .Plus its my 19 year old rescue cats favorite place to be right in front of the Stove !
Friday I got the P61a (basement) stove all set to fire off. Would normally wait, but I installed a new ash door gasket at the beginning of the month and the adhesive needed to be heated up within 30 days of install. Basement was still 65 so I cranked the thermostat to 72 started the stove up, then after 30 minutes reduced the thermostat to 65*. I don't htink it has run again since. I guess I'll figure it out when it runs out of pellets (it only had a small amount left from last year). That evening the forcast was for lows in the 30's, plus continuation of the wicked wind to go thru Sunday morning. So, I unpacked the P43 and turned on the thermostat to 69*. The stove didn't turn itself on until after I had turned in for the evening. It's been running a couple of times per night and 1-2x in the mornings since. But afternoons the house temp has risen from solar gain. Then last night, since it wasn't supposed to get cold, I tuned the minisplit back on and lowered the stove thermostat to 61*. This morning, for some reason I was freezing when I woke up (it was 68* inside), Normally I would be fine with my sweatshirt on, but that wasn't cutting it.. So I decided to cycle the P43 once to warm it up a bit.
crazy weather hi 80's last week this week has trouble making 65 with just a smidge above freezing at night.
Just checked and the local TSC is just a tad above what they were at last year when you buy full skids. I'm sure that will change as the season progresses. I may buy a couple extra tons, they keep fine in the barn. The newly installed Bryant Plus 95 condensing furnace has me spoiled. I cannot even hear it run it's so quiet. The Therm Guard cycles the blower every 30 minutes for 5 minutes, seems to work just fine. Really should turn it off until I fire up the biomass stove, really not needed right now and I pre bought an extra 1000 gallons of propane just in case. It's $2.65 presently. I paid $1.99
I know that both of my Harmans get too hot to touch on the top when they are running. One of my cats will wait until after the both fans have quit before she will get on to of the stove. Her sister doesn't even try the top of the stove. I'm sure that Luneyburg cranks his P68 and it outputs way more than either of my stoves, so that his cat ain't dumb (and maybe at 19 has slowed down enough that like my Rita, can't jump that high).
The top of my P68 gets hot enough to make a pot of water bubble (near boiling), the effect is basically the same as a wood stove. No kitties getting up there when it's running...
Pre-ordered Logik-e softies in May. At the time the order was placed, the retailer told me the mill does their softwood run before they do their hardwood run, and so they were expecting the pellets to arrive early. I said ok, how early? They said June or July and they would call me when they arrive and ask that I pick them up as quickly as possible because they don't want a lot of product buildup in their yard this year. Ok, no problem. June, July, and August came and went with no call. Hmm. Checked their website this past weekend. They sell 20+ different flavors of wood pellets. No prices listed, they are effectively out of stock / can't be ordered. So at that point I got a little concerned. BUT as luck would have it - I just got the call Tuesday to say the pellets were in. When I went to pick them up, I asked what's up. They said the pellets are arriving very slowly this year. Right now, they are filling customer pre-orders and only offering by-the-bag for new customer purchases. They are hoping the supply situation will improve in the next few weeks. Hope this situation is temporary. It's only September, the heating season hasn't even started yet. Could be tough for those who wait until the last minute to buy, and the 5 bags at a time buyers.
I gave the hastings a deep cleaning and lubed all the bearings last weekend. Also ran a quick test fire since the windows were open. We're just starting to get the remnants of hurricane ian here and temps are in the 50's so I fired her up tonight to warm the house up. Didn't take long for one of the dogs to find her favorite spot.