Now I'm gonna have to buy yet another freezer for the side of Beef I have coming in November, no way can I get it in the 2 we already have as both are pretty full, one is full of sweet corn, green beans, brussels sprouts and stuffed and frozen green peppers and the other is loaded with hams, pork shoulders, slab bacon and ground beef. I know one thing, Amy and I won't be lacking for food this winter, not including all the canned goods in the root cellar and I still have to dig potatoes. Usually I wind up with at least a couple hundred pounds of spuds but the we eat potatoes with almost every meal Tonight is stuffed porkchops with baked potatoes and lima beans.
Thanks! It was a pretty good year for us. parking them out back until next weekend while we have the roof done this week. Then we’ll plop them in front.
"Giant" or "show" pumkins are a different type of pumpkin. They lack the gene that stops growth. They were bred for size and not as good for pie filling. They are 94% water. Same with jack-o-lanterns. They were bred for thin skin for carving. They are all edible
About 30 or more years ago, I read where they are classified as squash, not pumpkins. I grew the atlantic giant variety one year and took 3rd place in a local contest. It was no where near the size of M2theB results though!
It’s been a minute since I’ve posted around here, but I’m still hoarding wood. Additionally my wife has been competing in an organic gardening competition all growing season long. 2 of the categories involve likes on Instagram for her container flower arrangement, in addition to biggest; tomato, squash, sweet potato and hottest pepper. We’d appreciate if anyone could take 10 seconds to click the link and give her Picture a @Royalfarefarm on Instagram. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hey yooperdave Check out David The Good here. This is all about building better soil without tilling.
Brussels!! Imagine if I took proper care of them! Floating in a bucket to clean and get rid of any bugs.
I didn't have any luck with my brussels. Not sure what happened but they just didn't take off after i planted the seedlings. The biggest plant got about knee high. All the plants got chewed up by bugs. I clipped the tops off the biggest plants and they started to form fruit but they just didn't fill out
When we pulled these and cut the leaves off, they were covered in what looked like white aphids. I didn’t spray or apply any dust or trim tops. Just let them do their thing. I still have a couple more plants so we might get a second harvest. They all fell over then started growing vertical again. These plants I did trim leaves to see what would happen.
Supposed to get a couple hard frosts Friday and Saturday night so we need to pick the rest of the peppers and tomatoes. I picked the jalapenos this morning and got close to 8 gallons.
I grew atlantic giants this year, but they didn't do too well. I got a few good "regular" sized pumpkins from my 3 plants but nothing actually big. First year growing them though and quite honestly I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to growing big pumpkins, just thought it'd be fun to try, which it was. I'll give them another shot next year or try a different giant variety.