Ordered the new boiler Central boiler 360 since the tax credit is 26% this year !! I will be doing the prep worst will be core drilling the hole in the foundation for the piping and digging here is always a adventure !! JB
I agree, an install thread would definitely help others if you can do a detailed, step-by-step install. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out for you.
And if you're anything like me, pictures can be very handy in the future for a guy's that "memory" storage is almost full.
I will give it a try I will get some pictures today did not go well I had a day off and ran to rental center to get the 6inch core drill when I went to use it the bit would not thread on the adaptor threads were bad 40 minute round trip to rental place they did not have another bit frustrating!!!!
I do not own a cell phone and I cannot find the phone on the 1960 vintage rotary phone on my desk that still works perfect
Digital cameras that are about the size of a pack of cigs do a great job and are under $100. Then Walmart has phones for $60 that you don't need to activate and the cameras are good. I'm going on 4 years with one of those.
Yeah I have a camera small nikon so I will get some shots this weekend trying rental core drill #2 this weekend JB
I rented the core saw today and as I expected it did not like the fieldstone in the concrete but fortunately I was able to chisel the rocks out as I drilled and got the hole through in about 45 minutes those two were in the concrete and they are grey granite very tough trench is dug hit some basketball size rocks but for my place it was not bad. tomorrow I am going to get the pex buried and hope fully the pad form set up .
I know plastic conduit is stupid money right now, but I'd drop a extra one or two in the ditch for future contingencies (sensors, controllers, etc.) Looks great and your turning out to be one hell of a photographer .
Already have plans for the 2 extra conduits (neighbor is a electrican for the turnpike they throw out he dumpster dives have enough for 2or three extras
OK see what you started more pictures !! I got a couple hours yesterday to get started putting the pipe in the ditch ,I put screenings around the pipe and the conduit I do not like direct buried wires I hope to finish the pipe and form set up today . I am making the pad 6 inches thick mainly because that is the size of the off cut lumber I had 4 inch would be fine . once I get the ditch buttoned up I am going to get started on the inside work . The thermo pex is some tough pipe you have to cut back the insulation to expose the pipe and it cuts with a razor knife . the hammer in the wall picture was holding the conduit in place I used some foam to fill around the pipes then I am going to mortar around them when the foam cures should make a watertight seal