I always love seeing daylilies. Mine are starting to swell, but it will probably be a lackluster year. The orange ones have been blooming the last week or so, but we are in a moderate drought and the blooms aren't in the profusion that they normally are. I only water the roadside garden, but just enough to keep what has appeared from dying. Only 1 clump out of 5 of echinasea has bothered to come back this year. In my driveway garden, the normally robust black-eyed susans are small and sparse - and two of those clumps died back a couple of weeks ago. The butterfly weed is doing well and there are so many babies in that area blooming, that it makes up for the BESs I bought some roses and annuals about a month ago. Don't mind the area or the dog house - that is temporary as I had to tear out what was there. Anyway, see that long branch off that rose (it is coming out of the white pot)? It just showed up about a week ago. The rest of that rose is staying nice and short. The rest of that white bucket is Oso Easy Mango Salsa rose, but I'm not sure if that runner is the same or something that got mixed in with it. Since it is supposed to get only 12-24" tall, I may have gotten a bonus rose. Regardless, it sure is pretty.
Why do they call it gooseneck? Cohosh flower spires are opening. Pungent scent, that I like. Bees too. Lots of color
Very nice MikeInMa ! I have some lilies blooming too. These first 3 are in the driveway garden This one is by the front door and first bloomed in 2018. It was just 1 surprise yellow lily that just appeared in the middle of the common orange ones. No clue how it got there since I haven't done any work there since the summer of 2014 or maybe 2015, but it has slowly multiplied.
Another lily form the roadside garden, planted last year A few lilies in the shrub garden are blooming now
There is some good smelling stuff blooming right now. the first two are Red and white sweetspires (AKA summer sweet) An echinacea and tall phlox
I have a large Rose of Sharon, with pink double flowers. This same RoS, has seeds that pollinate and new plants show up. I've had luck digging some up and giving them away, or plant in my own yard. I noticed today that some of the younger plants flowered. What's unusual is the color and single flower. More like a hibiscus, which I like. I'll tag these and dig them up in a few weeks. Meanwhile, I'll need to find a home for them in the yard.
Rose of Sharon is a Hibiscus (but not vice versa), so it makes a sort of sense that seeds might revert back to a more wild type and not breed true from a cultivar. OTOH, it's weird that you've never had that happen before (although I would guess if the seed are thrown off a multi-generation plant, it would be more likely). I like both types, and thru a couple of minutes of Googling I see that hummingbirds prefer the single-flower type, so find it exciting that you will have both without even trying.
After the nearly 2" of rain earlier in the week (nice and slow so it soaked in), the gardens are looking pretty good. First is the Sweet Autumn Clematis. I wish I could take better pictures (has nothing to do with the device, just I sux at capturing the scenes). First picture is from the east side (digital correction couldn't take all the sun beam interference out - looks way more stunning in person). Second picture is from the north side, then 3rd picture is from the south side The south side growth of the clematis ran over the turtle heads in the foreground, but one bloom is peeking out. Along the drainage ditch on the sout side of the property (behind me as I was taking the picture just above), the New England Asters and Jewelweed are keeping the insects happy. This is just a short section of 20' or so In the shade garden (to the east of all the previous pictures) more turtleheads with tall phlox in the background. Oh, and way in back is the hydrangea tree. Sedum in the roadside garden. The bees are enjoying it A couple of container roses. The first is Frida Kahlo. I got this from Heirloomroses on August 8th. When they ship live plants (as opposed to dormant), they strip all the leaves to reduce stress during the shipping process. I potted it up on the 10th and it has fully leafed out with this as its first bloom. It smells very nice and there are a couple more buds, but frost will hit soon so it won't be blooming much longer. Petite Knock Out Rose that I got in June at the local Agway. I don't remember what the red flowers behind it are, but they set each other off nicely. I may have to bring that annual plant in and see if I can overwinter it. I'll have to figure out how to keep the roses alive over the winter. I can't even do that with roses I plant in the ground, so this will be extra challenging.
I have these morning glories from past year’s seeds that I beat back early in the season, then let a few vines grow into late summer. Our grand daughter and favorite little flower playing hide and go seek in the hydrangeas.
Wow, that is a tall sunflower! Eh, I've probably forgotten how tall they are supposed to be since I moved from KS in 2087 (Edit: that should be 1987). I'm so used to seeing the shorter hybrids at garden stores that nowdays I think that is the norm.