Jason, your supposed to split one then check the MC! Cool fuel and great repurpose. How much snow did you get from last storm and how much forecasted for tonight?
I wonder if there is a way to add Elm sawdust into this product to boost it's appeal. Interesting thread actually!
Zero from the last one, 3-5" predicted. It's snowing at 1/4 an hour rate and is supposed to continue till morning. Ya know, if I had a bunch of saw chip or noodles, I wood definitely add them to these bricks! Heat output is good but boy are they laying down the ash! And the smell is not desirable. Opened the door a sec and tried to melt my phone! And unfortunately my glass isn't squeaky clean. Opened the drafts for this vid. Sorry about the soundtrack.
Bump. Getting ready to shut down an interlock shop and had to shred some paperwork, so I kept it. Started leaking some around this handle. Oh well. Hoping it self seals. Letting this soak a few days. I plan to use 5 gallon buckets and my splitter to press water out. Stay tuned..
Cool. An annual FHC tradition. I think you should try making one out of noodles just for the heck of it.
I'd love to add sawdust/noodles as filler. I just don't have any right now. So when the paper breaks down, it can be pressed into any shape. I'm not sure, but I'd guess noodles themselves wouldn't stay compact.
The noodles will due to the moisture of the paper left after compression. if you need more sticky effect ground up oat meal , rice, patatoes , corn basicly any heavy starch will work as a binder agent. The paper would also if ground fine, instead of just strips.
I meant just noodles, no additive. I don't think they'd stay compact. Added to my slurry, absolutely.
Had the time today. Drilled up a smaller bucket that alread had a small crack. And I finally found a reason to have the splitter vertical. Used a cookie and a piece of 4x4 for a press. After about the second or third puck, the crack in the bucket totally blew out. So I had to use another bucket. What I did was cut the bottom off of another one with about 3” of lip. Drilled that out and placed it on top of the slurry, cookie in that and then 4x4. The wood left too much gap and the paper was shooting up and out. The small piece of bucket had closer tolerance and helped with the issue. Was not able to really press water out. Buckets started making noises so overall, I’d call this setup a flop. Won’t do it again.