Will be buying onions at the grocery this winter, terrible luck wit the sets I bought from Jung's, same with the garlic. None of it ever came up. Beans and taters are always good. Got about 1/2 acre of spuds in. Soon I'm gonna have to purchase a one row potato digger and a small tractor to pull it with. This is real good ground for potatoes. Black sandy loam with no rocks. Guess I need to buy them locally next time. Probably an older Kubota B series with a deck on it too. My big Kubota's are way too big to dig potatoes. Been perusing Tractor House for a used single row digger. A new one is way too much cost wise for my little garden. My Kubota dealer has a few older used ones I may be checking out. Like I said, next year will be sauerkraut and probably Brussels Sprouts. I like to grow them and they grow all winter if you mulch them with straw. They actually have a better taste after a good freeze.
We’ve found a key to a bigger onion is to seed rather than use sets. We’ll start them inside and just keep giving them a hair cut if the get too tall. Until the break in the weather and ground, then we transplant. Late April if we can.
These have grown back from the deer finding them and mowing them down a couple weeks ago. Will be good in a frittata tomorrow morning. No leaf miners this year. (so far, knock on wood)
I like chard and spinach, especially fresh. Chard maybe a little more. Kale - not so much. I can give kale and spinach away. Chard is tough. Dunno why. I don't have much luck with spinach here either. I tried growing some chard for the farm stand just down the road a couple years ago and just as they got to picking size a gray fungus that looked an awful lot like the one one of my grape vines gets wiped out all three rows , almost overnight. So I've stuck to just a little bit in tubs for myself. I would do some more "farming" but I just don't know all the pesticides that are prettty much required to grow in bulk with little loss.
Very nice! We had jalapeños like that last year. I couldn't find the giant ones this year, but we're getting lots of them also. I like stuffing them and wrapping in bacon
Abundance of tomatoes heading back down to the freezer for another day. These were froze like cue balls in a shopping bag before heading into a vacuum seal.
Tabasco peppers are just starting to come into their prime. That’s a small planter box full of black locust seedlings behind it too, the largest being a couple feet tall already
At the end of this raised bed I have a couple cinder blocks where I grow marigolds each year, to attract the pollinators. Behind that the sweet potatoes are really sprawling out with their vines. This is the first year I’ve tried growing sweet potatoes, and so far so good. I already harvested my Yukon gold and red potatoes a couple weeks ago.
Cabin garden carrot bed with deer protection over the top. We were gone from our cabin garden for 3 weeks and found some giants. I trimmed up the garlic harvest and set aside some of the biggest bulbs for replanting in October. I ended with 84 in total.