Solid info, thanks! The pellet stove that came with our house is an 05-06’ Quadrafire cb1200. I’ve cleaned it (was absolutely packed with ash), swept the stack, replaced all gaskets, replaced thermocouple, tested snapdisks and the control box (both work properly) but I haven’t tested different pellets. I’ll grab a bag of the good ones from Moore. I’m interested to hear how the new Harman treats ya this winter… Btw, crazy weather yesterday eh?! Mid-forties and dumping hail and torrential rain up at our place…and back to your original post, in addition to pellet stove shenanigans, I got about 2.75 cords split and stacked over the past few days for next season. It’s a start…
Yeah, friend. We had torrential downpours with hail - yesterday and today. Temps in the mid to low 40’s. Even though we are in “Pine,” we are at 9,000 feet. Obviously the town of Pine and the surrounding topography are incredibly variable. We have challenging weather here, especially in the winter. I’ll keep ya updated as far as pellet stove efficiency goes. Nice stacks, BTW!
Wife and I both loved Pine. We looked at a house up the Mt Evans blvd side (right over the Park Co/Jeffco line) and another down the pine valley rd side. Pine Valley property is the one with the gigantic geodesic dome greenhouse. Of course both were on the market for about a week or two before selling. Ultimately went with the property we’re in now and we’re at 9,072ft. The Evergreen house was at 8,300ft so I’m somewhat familiar but I also really love winter and mountain life in general lol. Definitely need to have a GTG sometime
I know exactly the greenhouse you’re talking about! I love that area. We looked at a few houses on Mt Evans Blvd when we bought ours years ago. The Moore lumber in PJ is my go to for everything. I love the winters up here too - except when I need to get up multiple times a night to plow so I can get to work in the morning. Those nights are few and far between though.