My friend has one 48v with a 4" lift kit and bigger alloy wheels with all terrain tires on it. I have only used it at a campground and the only off roading was on lawn. I don't think it would do well in the woods, beyond fire trails and already established trails.
Yes, they make them fire the rtv. They lack the power though to go through really deep snow though. There's a Gold Rush episode that proves this point.
I believe Camoplast / Tatou makes tracks for any and all ATVs or UTVs. If you're not interested in speed but pure muscle utility... you won't believe what tracks can do. When plowing snow with tires, you eventually run out of space to push all of the snow. With tracks, once you use up the available space, you just push upward with the snow, and drive it up the pile. Angle plowing won't push the front sideways, with tracks, like it can with tires. Obviously, you can head out on snow to just about anywhere. The towing cap is nuts in low range. There are times I really miss our Suzuki on Tatou tracks.
Yep... you can get any tracked machine stuck in deep enough snow. But, 99% of the time, when the machine just won't go any further, you can back back out. I've gone through 18" deep snow effortlessly.
This was much more than 18" fwiw. If you even slightly keep the trail maintained, you you won't run into this issue. A little packing of the trail down before it gets 4' or whatever bottomless amount they were using it on works wonders. That even helps with snowmobiles.
I always liked that I never had to get stuck, kwim? To your point, you can back back and move over a little, and pack your own trail. Obviously, long trips into the mountains, you can get into a mess with any machine, for sure. One last use I remember, for the tracks, was they worked incredibly well squishing deep tracks in mud, back into the rut... made by tires. A PITA job normally. Took about 10 minutes to close up a 50' set of ruts across our lawn. Just kept running the tracks alongside the ruts, until they were gone. Nuts. Biggest negative using tracks for me was the steering forces needed. My back didn't like it after a while.
That's awesome that you can use the tracks to close up ruts from tires! Did your Suzuki have power steering? It's think that would be pretty much a necessity with the tracks.
It did have elec PS but it didn't help at all with tracks on. To minimize the hassle of changing over between tracks and wheels, I ran with just tires up front a few summers. And, I learned to run in 2 WD most of the time on snow. It had so much traction, the front tracks could just "free wheel" most of the time. When I needed 4x4, it was a tank.
When I had the extension put onto the dock this spring, the snow was beginning to melt. So it was all soft and sticky. The guy that did the work had an UTV with tracks on it and that just rolled right up the snowbank from the driveway and drove right down to the lake shore. Still had about 30" of snow at that point. I was impressed. I did have the option to get those tracks installed onto the mini truck before I picked it up, but I do drive down the highway (secondary asphalt road but open to off road vehicles) so I opted out of the tracks. And yes, you can buy snowplows for them also.
"And yes, you can buy snowplows for them also" ... and it does well. The folks who bought the Suz from us use it every storm, for the last 4 winters... to plow their entire farm dooryard and drive. And you're right yooperdave ... the tracks won't be the perfect set-up for every situation. Slow and easy utility work, and soft snow riding are great. Groomed trails... not so much.
How about CF Moto? Found a 2 year old UForce 1000 with a winch, plow, windshield, and rear shield with a few hundred miles.
Hmmm, that sucks. Would definitely be a NO if a new purchase, prolly still look elsewhere. You have a Mini Truck, or am I mis reading that? The more I look at them the more I think one might work for me. Plastic shield between the cab and bed.
Yeah, figured that. I can attest that the supply chain is not back to normal. Demand is still super high too.
It has 2wd and 4wd hi and lo. Locking axle. dump box. everything a vehicle has or needs to make it road legal (blinkers, wipers, horn etc.) I had a 2" lift installed and off road tires/wheels. Also, have the original tires wheels. Heater and AC. The ride is rough in mine; don't expect to be bombing through the woods like you see UTV's racing, jumping and speeding all over the place. It is great for yard work and off-roading. Mine is a manual 5 spd transmission and of course, a right hand drive since it is from Japan.