Not even giving much thought to burning yet other than I looked on the website for stove glass gasket last week. Pool water still at 84 and we did have the air off for a day and a half but back on now. Going to get busy with tomatoes tomorrow and just froze corn. I will probably run a brush down the chimney late Sept although it never has a thing in it.
Everything is ready here but probably 7 or 8 weeks away from a fire. August is pretty hot in Virginia but we’ve had a stretch of nice weather the last few days.
I just lit up a cigar on my patio and opened up FHC. That count? my fireplace wood is good to go. Going to have to hump it this winter but not worried. I have some rounds ready and a few weeks ready to cut. hoping once again for an October fire-up.
My racks are stacked and i got a ton of kindling but i still have to sweep the chimney and replace all the bricks and the gasket my stove needs some TLC…Saturdays the day
I am ALWAYS ready for summer weather to end. But here in the south that does not happen until Mid September usually, sometimes as late as mid-October. It is very seldom we light a fire before Mid-November. That being said, it has been a VERY pleasant week temp wise. It is always a wonderful treat when we get low humidity days in the 70's and 80's in August.
Same to ya man! It’s been an interesting road for me the past couple of years. Sold the house in Evergreen moved back to the burbs, got remarried, sold the house in the burbs now we’re up in Bailey as of last month. Started splitting and stacking asap and have a woodstove to install (sitting in the garage). In the meantime we have a ton of pellets stacked up for the pellet stove downstairs. Future project involves swapping the pellet stove for another woodstove. I hate pellet stoves with a passion. Sure feels good to runs the saws, splitter and being back up God’s country though!
Glad to have ya back up here! I grew up in Evergreen. I lived in the Denver metro area from about 10 years old to roughly 30? Then moved back up here to Pine. I love being up here. I have 2 wood stoves and a pellet stove. I replaced the old clunker pellet stove that I had last year with a nice Harman P43 from Inglenook in Conifer. We should meet up at Mad Jack's sometime for a beer!
A touch of Fall came to NC this week...certainly gets me in the mood for a fire. July and early August were brutaly hot. Still need to clean the stove pipe and replace door gasket then I'll be set. My first fire is usually early November.
In the Foothills of the Adirondacks, we're just outside of the Adirondack Park by about 5 miles which means less restrictions. We can get temps of -20 or -30 in January, tough on the wood inventory when we do get those temps.