We had 51.3 this morning, Saranac Lake NY had a temp in the 30's. When I was out an about the outside temp reading in my truck was 77, when I finally got back home it was 69.7. They're calling for a high of 77, we'll see if it hits that back here.
We hit 77.6 later in the afternoon today. We're suppose to get some rain later this week but only half an inch, we need more but we'll take it.
I’m afraid so. We had some slushy rain last night that would have been snow if it were a few degrees cooler. The Aspen leaves are already turning too.
Mid 70's here and .86" rain since midnight. Didn't really get to enjoy it as I had to drive 3.5 hours each way to O'Neill, NE. to tell the new customer they didn't even have a voicemail system, just using the phone company system.
68f today in the Ozarks of Missouri. 2 weeks ago it was 100+. 2 weeks ago it hadn't rained at the farm for over 5 weeks. Now rain every 3 days it seems and my previously dead yard is all weeds or clumps of mowed grass. Cool and damp, feels like late fall. 7 plus days of highs of 85f or lower.
I agree. It’s been a long hot spell. I’m in NE Ok. Grand Lake area. I have more crab grass than anything left. It’ll be a long rebuild to get the lawn back. Hopefully triple digits are gone for the year. My forecast! Mike in Ok
Maybe it is time for some wood in the stove? You might be feeling cold after all those 100+ degree days.